[quote:648a14d64d="derfs"][quote:648a14d64d="The Turtle"]I've been updating the availables as quick as I can on the Google Doc. It is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At_kHW4f1Qd4dEtKa2tWa2tlajVtQUx5QlFJeENmOEE&authkey=CJmTjhc&hl=en&authkey=CJmTjhc#gid=12[/quote:648a14d64d]
And thank you for doing that. I've been using that too.[/quote:648a14d64d]
wish I have been doing it better, though, work has gone to hell. Layoffs came this week. It has been a bloody week. Of course, I am in newspapers. It is par for the course at this point.