General Managers Keeper League

Postby blsmith7 » Wed May 02, 2012 7:01 pm

First, let me say that I wish Hawk the speediest of recoveries for his ailment and pray that he will soon be able to rejoin us in our little pastime (or waste of time as my wife calls it - "Can't you do something that can actually make us money?")

Second, as difficult as this may be to type;}, I think I side with Sandy on this. I totally see his point. The bottom line is that more time is always a benefit when evaluating talent (and injuries do happen). I have no comment on any previous occurrences in this league, but I certainly don't see the problem with allowing a re-pick should those owners wish, once Hawk rejoins us. We are not talking about a full round here. I would want that courtesy, especially if a chunk of time elapses before resumption of the draft. These are unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, so I suggest we take a step back, pray for our buddy Hawk, and see what happens before making any rushes to judgement.

All that said, Godspeed to you Hawk!
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Postby qksilver69 » Wed May 02, 2012 7:54 pm

I also wish Hawk well, but let's separate the need for a delay from the logic of redrafting.

There is no penalty to those who already picked if we don't allow them redrafting, because THEY ALREADY PICKED. They committed to those players. There is injury or performance risk inherent with any prospect draft. So the only advantage or disadvantage is with regards to players WHO HAVE YET TO BE PICKED.

So yes, subsequent drafters have an advantage with regards to those players, but that advantage is not so significant to make me think that I would want to trade out of my earlier spot just to have more knowledge. I think this is what KD was trying to say - if you want to trade down to gain that marginal knowledge advantage, feel free to do so, and someone will gladly relieve you of the Bauer or Bundy or whoever, but there is no need to contaminate the draft process as suggested by allowing for redos.
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Postby cirills » Wed May 02, 2012 10:37 pm

When I hear "contaminate the draf process" I hear two things.

1) sensationalistic and inflammatory words used for shock value


2) a recognition of some of the validity of what I say.

In other words, "me doth think you protest too much"

I am glad that at least one person was willing to concentrate simply on the facts and not completely act out of a negative thought process.

Kudos to smitty for rising of the pettiness being put forth here.

"Contaminate the draft process" - please. :roll:
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Postby qksilver69 » Thu May 03, 2012 1:51 am

What's petty is your whining for a do-over. Typically wanting to have your cake & eat it too, nothing new here, move on folks... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby cirills » Thu May 03, 2012 9:28 am

So easy to say from a person picking after. Why should my or anybody else's cake be different? I don't understand why that is a complicated concept. The only conclusion I can draw is that somehow your objection is based on your seeing that what i said could somehow benefit others (me only apparently in this case) and be disadvantageous to yourself. That would be the only excuse for you simply glossing over Smitty's post and relentlessly pursuing me instead. If anyone wants THEIR own cake in this it's you IMO. :?
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu May 03, 2012 9:30 am

Meanwhile, Nythawk is suffering from a serious illness...........
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Postby kaviksdad » Thu May 03, 2012 9:41 am

First - sorry Sandy, the bit about replacing Hawk is in no way related to anything you said. Just wanted to throw that in there to let everyone know where I stand.

Second - there are valid points to both sides of the prospect draft "discussion" going on. But given my what information I have right now we're on hold and the picks stand.

IF, and only if, it appears that Hawk will have an extended absence, will I reconsider whether make some sort of change to the above decision.
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Postby cirills » Thu May 03, 2012 10:51 am

Fine by me.

And best wishes to Hawk and his wife and all my prayers for a speedy and healthy recovery.
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Postby Cubit » Thu May 03, 2012 9:40 pm


And best wishes to Hawk and his wife and all my prayers for a speedy and healthy recovery.[/quote:dfd2516687]

It goes without saying that we are all pulling for them.
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smart phone + fat fingers = oops.

Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Fri May 04, 2012 10:01 pm

I mistakenly picked up aaron hill instead of john mcdonald a few days ago. I did not notice the mistake until tonight. Hill has not logged game action for me, but I did not drop him until after the rosters were set for tonights play. Because of this it is possible he could play tonight if pedroia is hurt. I am sorry.
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