NLD 30 - Smell the glove!

Postby Jeepdriver » Sun May 20, 2012 4:17 pm

Well three straight series wins after the sweep and last night put some runs on the board. Still holding a slight lead in the WC. A lot can happen in these last thirty nine games.
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Postby joethejet » Mon May 21, 2012 12:30 am

Our pitching continues to kill us. I figure Gio has to get better, but he never does. Guess I should have taken J. Sanchez or C. Brett instead. Got the same performance for a LOT cheaper.

Figured I'd post these again as we enter the stretch run. Not sure why for two reasons. One, the overalls are as upside down as I've seen them and two, so many things are still so darn close anyway.

But, here they are. I didn't redo for RP usage so if your RP usage has changed since the last time... Also, didn't adjust for Semper's crud load of moves either. I'm sure they didn't help his rating.

For what they're worth.

Salary Spent
....... RH LU Pitching
Jeep... 47.0 30.0
Hawk... 47.3 25.2
Keyzick 47.4 26.8
AT..... 55.5 17.5
Big A.. 51.3 24.8
DT..... 50.6 24.4
Big M.. 46.1 30.5
JTJ.... 46.1 29.7
Stoney. 46.6 28.1
Semper. 44.7 29.6
Smoke.. 39.9 33.0
Zim.... 39.9 33.0

Average 46.9 27.7

Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
Smokey. 2525 1 4 -3 C
BigMahn 2455 2 5 -3 W
Dtigers 2382 3 8 -5 E
JoeTJet 2342 3 6 -3 E
JeepDrv 2204 5 3 2 W
BigAlrc 2116 6 6 0 E
Keyzick 2051 7 5 2 C
Stoney. 2008 7 7 0 W
SemperG 1993 8 7 1 E
ArrylTr 1965 8 2 6 W
Zim13.. 1882 9 3 6 C
nythawk 1802 10 6 4 C

Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Dtigers 8307 1 1 0 E
BigMahn 8080 3 2 1 W
Smokey. 7840 4 6 -2 C
JoeTJet 7831 5 6 -1 E
SemperG 7609 6 4 2 E
Keyzick 7608 6 8 -2 C
Stoney. 7551 7 11 -4 W
nythawk 7538 8 6 2 C
ArrylTr 7478 9 4 5 W
JeepDrv 7449 9 5 4 W
BigAlrc 7443 9 6 3 E
Zim13.. 7116 11 7 4 C

Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
Zim13.. 5234 2 4 -2 C
JeepDrv 5244 2 3 -1 W
Smokey. 5315 3 4 -1 C
BigAlrc 5327 3 6 -3 E
JoeTJet 5489 5 9 -4 E
ArrylTr 5513 5 5 0 W
Stoney. 5542 6 7 -1 W
Keyzick 5557 6 1 5 C
SemperG 5616 7 10 -3 E
BigMahn 5625 7 5 2 W
nythawk 5737 8 8 0 C
Dtigers 5925 10 12 -2 E

AT, Zim and Hawk are still over what the ratings would expect. AT due to his one run record and his offense more than expected. But the ratings don't expect Beltre to hit .300 v RHP in Safeco either so...Zim also has 20 one run wins and is +8 so that's part of it. His O is also better than the ratings would expect. Don't see anything obvious there however. May just be a timing thing. Hawk is also +4, but mostly the ratings just didn't see him staying this close.

OTOH, Smoke, Big M, DT and JTJ are all weaker than the ratings expect. for us, the pitcing is way off from the ratings. When you have 28 BS and 31 S, you know your pitching isn't living up to its salary. As I said up front, lopsided teams like DT's frequently underperform their ratings. Not always, but fairly common. Big M is -8 so that combined with AT's is a 17 game swing. Smokey is -9.

Other things to not Jeep's O is better than rating expect Stones worse. Ptiching Keyz' pitching wouldn't be expected to be #1 in the league. He spent the 7th most and fielding is #9 in ratings.

Pythag comparison to ratings. Figured it might be interesting to compare to the pytag

Smokey. 66 5 4
BigMahn 73 3 1
Dtigers 57 8 5
JoeTJet 59 7 4
JeepDrv 69 4 -1
BigAlrc 59 7 1
Keyzick 69 4 -3
Stoney. 51 9 2
SemperG 59 7 -1
ArrylTr 69 4 -4
Zim13.. 65 6 -3
nythawk 60 7 -3

Still some big differences. Smoke, DT, JTJ are below the ratings. AT is above. But, then, again, the pytags are soooo close it's hard to make too much out of them. Big M is the best by 4 and Stones the worst by 6, but everyone else excpet DT are relatively close.

p.s. AT I only picked on your players because you have the best record. I'm sure I could have found other guys to compare Gio to and I realize in you're in a LH park.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon May 21, 2012 7:57 am

The last two days I've had a 16 run game and a 26 run game. Wow, that's unusual for a middle-of-the road offense as mine.
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Postby joethejet » Mon May 21, 2012 5:10 pm

[quote:c3035aea20="Jeepdriver"]The last two days I've had a 16 run game and a 26 run game. Wow, that's unusual for a middle-of-the road offense as mine.[/quote:c3035aea20]

:shock: Gee, hate to waste all those die rolls!
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Postby joethejet » Tue May 22, 2012 7:03 pm

[quote:414d2fc114="joethejet"][quote:414d2fc114="Jeepdriver"]The last two days I've had a 16 run game and a 26 run game. Wow, that's unusual for a middle-of-the road offense as mine.[/quote:414d2fc114]

:shock: Gee, hate to waste all those die rolls![/quote:414d2fc114]

DT wasted a few on me last night. I wasted a few too, but him more. :(
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baseball and Wine

Postby Semper Gumby » Wed May 23, 2012 7:00 am

Since my team decided to mail it in after my changes (still baffled how my offense declined so much after improving the glove and adding a LHB), I'm finishing off my two week visit of Tuscanny area of Italy

After countless winery tours and samplings, I'm going to go out on the ledge here and declare that one must be hard press to tell a$100 bottle from a $12 one

Semper Gumby
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Postby joethejet » Wed May 23, 2012 5:24 pm

Well, after "countless" tastings, I bet you're right, they all taste the same. Never drink expensive beer/wine at the end of the night! They'll all taste the same. ;)
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Postby Semper Gumby » Wed May 23, 2012 9:27 pm

It helps when sampling the wines to keep a positive attitude thinking when I am done with this glass - there will be another one.

Personally, I excelled at spitting the swill out and into the spit cup.
Semper Gumby
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Postby joethejet » Thu May 24, 2012 1:00 am

Yes, always nice to know that there will be another one.

Also would have been nice if you could have beaten Big A at least once tonight and if Pujols could turn a DP instead of making an error which cost me a sweep of DT!

Of course, we also won a game due to DT's errors but that's because our team is GOOD, not because of luck! ;) :P

Interesting series with DT. Four BS (2 for DT and 2 for me) and the RPs got all the wins and losses.
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Postby keyzick » Thu May 24, 2012 7:38 am

[quote:9e02bef872="joethejet"]keyz, not sure what you mean. Are you saying you're 3-15 over your lat 18 one runners?? :shock:


Geez, just now realizing I posted my comment that applied to a different league!

Well, applies here too, just different record: 16-29 in 1-run games
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