The countdown is on

Postby novie » Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:32 am

Agree totally BDW!
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Postby Hakmusic » Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:57 am

I support Bernie 100%. He could have just moved the old game to the new site and made life easier for himself. Instead, he worked his butt off to make the game better for us. If it takes a couple extra days, who cares. In the long run, it won't make any difference.

Take a deep breath and hold on for one more day. If Wilson Phillips can do it, so can we.
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Postby Manofsteel » Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:57 am

I hope we can update early on the progress Bernie has made, I couldn't stop refreshing all day yesterday lol
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Postby RangerJoe » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:28 am

Bernie is a great asset for this community, and I am glad he will still be on board over at SOM. I telecommute from home, supervise a virtual office of up to 100 scattered around the country. The network has been up and running for years, and mostly runs like a top. We're part of a very large organization, one of the largest privately held companies on the planet. However, even with that we have outages, someone (sometimes I) can't get in, phones drop, etc. We're talking HAL here. HAL never lets anything run smoothly 100% of the time. Once this thing is up and running at SOM I believe it will be something Bernie will proud of, and we as customers will be happy with. I'll catch all of you over on the flip-side where you can continue to whoop my A$$ like you do here. :wink:
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bummer, oh well

Postby STEVEJENSEN » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:42 am

kind of a buzz kill but this too shall pass :) hopefully we're up and running sooner rather than later but the "excitement" level has diminished quite a bit. thanks for your hard work Bernie, cant imagine how frustrated you are, hang in there.
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Postby artie4121 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:07 am

I echo the support for Bernie.

Is there ANYone here who has ever tackled a project with as many moving parts as THIS, and not had glitches to work through?

If so, Krypton is calling. You left your cape behind.
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Re: Well, well, what a shock.....

Postby Salty » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:11 am


Well, well, what a shock that Petrosian is responding with his usual vitriol.

Just take a pill and chill. Bernie will soon whip up a new better than ever batch to satisfy your cravings.

Yes, we all have high expectations and can be very demanding as a group. Bernie's doing the best he can trying to bring us a vastly improved product with a minimum of bugs. I'd rather have a little longer delay and fewer bugs to deal with when the product is rolled out.

I think Bernie is the right man, perhaps the only man, for the job.

I hope Bernie's new bosses at SOM realize that the vast majority of people here are overwhelmingly supportive and appreciative of his fine work and that the few malingerers are a very vocal minority who aren't happy unless they are complaining or fighting with someone.

Some of the criticism has been so unfair and harsh since the announcement that SOM would be replacing TSN that it can only be construed as a transparent attempt to embarrass Bernie in front of his new bosses and cause his dismissal.

Does anyone in his right mind really want to see that happen?

How and why Bernie puts up with it is beyond me, but it speaks volumes about his dedication to the community and the game. While no one is irreplaceable, I shudder to think what would become of the online game if Bernie left.

While I do not deign to speak for Bernie, TSN, SOM or the online community as a whole, those who don't like it here should go elsewhere in their pursuit of gaming perfection.

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.[/quote:8fd754a7a5]

IMO- you guys are a bit silly. No one is asking Bernie to resign or writing negative letters to SoM- how bout we show a groundswell of support when a real crisis happens?
and BTW- if people really do want to show support- go buy a 5 pack when the new site gets up.

Bernie recieves critcism because he is the face of the online game- and the only person people have contact with at this site- that doesnt mean it is always fair- it just means thats the only place to go with frustrations.

Are there no shades of gray?
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Postby nevdully's » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:17 am

Simply doesn't know many facts about our ATG history as it relates to customer service or game improvements...[b:efcf24386c]Or perhaps we've just had different experiences.[/b:efcf24386c]

I could go through a list as long as my arm about what it took (unfortunately it took everything, from begging to complaining long and loud) before many many many things got done.

To those who can grasp how someone can "support the troops" but "be against the war" I'll say this.

Bernie seems to be a great guy....A guy that could get the job done...but my history here says that many times for whatever reasons he didn't/doesn't.

To disregard or sugarcoat the history is something I personally don't think should be done. Forgive? yes. Forget? No.

BDW do you know how/why we "finally" got a wiki page explaining the rules we "actually play by"?

BDW do you know how we got the 8 million new cards and counting?

BDW do you know how/why we got BP V.2 implemented?

BDW do you know why we got an "ask Bernie forum"?

[b:efcf24386c]Bernie is a good man, qualified to do a good job, but he has almost always needed a real strong push to get it going.[/b:efcf24386c]
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:46 am

I won't point the finger at Bernie, I'm still under the assumption that he has always been in a difficult situation in terms of dealing with all of us and the game itself. But I will agree with Nev, that customer service at TSN in general was always a crapshoot. Sometimes it felt as if we were spending more time with the game than any employee was.

Personally, I have no problems with where we stand today, but I do find the situation interesting. All this would have been a non issue if there wasn't a stoppage in the games. Too bad that couldn't have been pulled off somehow.
PJ Axelsson
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:46 am

PJ Axelsson
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