transition info/FAQ

Postby Manofsteel » Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:46 pm

Bernie can you give us a heads up as to what the problems were that delayed the launch?
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Postby Valen » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:17 pm

[quote:1b892d9c6f]There are a number of ways to put this where we arent expecting something done specifically by an exact time- or if you beat the time- well then you get to be like Scotty from Star Trek.

Mr. Scot "Captain- its gonna take at least 8 hours to fix the engines"
Kirk: "Scotty, you've got 10 minutes, or we are all dead!" Mr. Scot always looks like a genius, no?

and also- V- how did you miss my Dr. Who reference on the other thread?[/quote:1b892d9c6f]
I saw the Dr. Who reference but no clever response popped in to my head. :lol:

The Star Trek reference reminds me of an Star Trek:TNG episode where Scotty was released from a transporter buffer after many years and was following Giordi around. The new engineer was telling Scotty he was too busy to talk because he told the captain he would have some problem solved within an hour or whatever. To which Scotty replied but how long will it really take? New engineer says annoyingly "an hour". Scotty laments "you didn't tell him how long it would really take? You'll never be considered a miracle worker that way". :lol: Time is likely wrong and may not be word for word quote but that is as good as my memory gets these days. :lol:
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Postby zonachoke » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:18 pm

[quote:fea7ac9c6b]Bernie can you give us a heads up as to what the problems were that delayed the launch?[/quote:fea7ac9c6b]

IMHO the protocol should be
1. Fix / test / implement THEN
2. Explain the delays.
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Re: Update

Postby alvarndc » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:42 pm

[quote:78366c5a30="bernieh"]Today I feel much more comfortable about the prospect of launching "soon".

In the effort to manage expectations, I won't say how soon that is. But I will have an informational update for you at noon ET at the latest.

My problem with "underpromising" is that it feels like a lack of communication, and de-motivational. But ok, at least for today I'm not [i:78366c5a30]promising[/i:78366c5a30] anything.[/quote:78366c5a30]

This has been handled in the worst manner possible. Completely amateurish. Please tell me why anyone should want to actually pay for this product?
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Postby voovits » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:52 pm

I'm still trying to figure out what Bernie has done wrong and why everyone is so upset.

Also, keep in mind, if he overcompensated for time and got the product out sooner and the games started a few days earlier than expected, there would be folks complaining that they weren't ready because they were expecting a later start date.

Either way he loses.

I support Bernie 100% on this. I know he's trying his hardest. The last thing he needs is for us to add to his already high stress level.
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Postby nevdully's » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:57 pm

[quote:84cdfbaa5d]Also, keep in mind, if he overcompensated for time and got the product out sooner and the games started a few days earlier than expected, there would be folks complaining that they weren't ready because they were expecting a later start date. [/quote:84cdfbaa5d]

This is the second or third similar post....So you say Wednesday while shooting for Monday...If it's done sooner and your worried some will complain about that, you keep it in ur pocket til Wed. and roll it out as promised....Because ITS READY!

Really guys it ain't hard to figure out how to avoid this nonsense.
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Postby Chuckgnh1 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:58 pm

Gee, Bernie - I've just gotta get in on advice "bandwagon"...........

Know what mine is? Don't listen to free advice! It's only worth what you pay for it!

I have no criticism - except for the criticizers - come on,
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:01 pm

Addicts, all of you! Junkies! Find another fix for 48 hours, hit the methadone clinic or something.

I can only imagine how critical some of you are of our politicians and their propensity to over promise and under deliver. I hope you send more letters to them than you do to Bernie and his little fantasy game.
PJ Axelsson
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Postby voovits » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:02 pm


This is the second or third similar post....So you say Wednesday while shooting for Monday...If it's done sooner and your worried some will complain about that, you keep it in ur pocket til Wed. and roll it out as promised....Because ITS READY!

Really guys it ain't hard to figure out how to avoid this nonsense.[/quote:40de3f2f68]

Admittedly I didn't read the entire thread, or I wouldn't have made the point, but...

...people will then complain that it took too long. They will complain that the game could have been online at the older site longer instead of having to wait.

You can never please 100% of the people. There will always be something to complain about.
Last edited by voovits on Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BergRad » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:02 pm

This is a voluntary army gentlemen.

You don't want to pay or play then go away.

Just kindly stop the whinning or stop posting. None of the whinners here could have been in the military,or more to the point humped it in the field/bush.

There are worse things in life. Just ask anybody who waited out hurricaine relief hour to hour and day to day without out power for 5 weeks. I know this first hand. It's all relative.

This is just a good and fun hobby, nothing more or less. You whinners are not getting screwed in life or in business.

Be nice.
Last edited by BergRad on Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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