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Postby Palanion » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:35 pm

[quote:2020c0d033="Rick Pitino"]All the negativity in this town sucks![/quote:2020c0d033]

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Postby Salty » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:37 pm

Where are my happy pills?

Some people are really silly. If everyone was okay with the status quo we would be beaten in every industry by every single country in the world-
except maybe Monaco, I hear they are really laid back there.
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Postby BergRad » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:46 pm

Kev..........wasn't it Tom Hanks who said "there no shushing in baseball"?
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Postby Valen » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:50 pm

[quote:68557b692e]This is the second or third similar post....So you say Wednesday while shooting for Monday...If it's done sooner and your worried some will complain about that, you keep it in ur pocket til Wed. and roll it out as promised....Because ITS READY!

Really guys it ain't hard to figure out how to avoid this nonsense. [/quote:68557b692e]

That makes a lot of sense. I would have said site would be down a week. Took my time to get it right and fully tested. And if it got done early then I relax a couple days. But neither one of us will make it in upper management with this attitude. :lol:

The mantra these days is you get things done by setting impossible deadlines and then watching your dedicated minions kill themselves to meet it. In business college they refer to this as leadership. :wink:

Personally, when I was an IT manager my philosophy was if my people needed unreasonable deadlines to work hard I had the wrong people.
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My view

Postby djskcsams » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:08 pm

I totally agree that the nastiness is not deserved. But this is a business proposition. The games are pretty expensive. The service should be better. This is NOT a personal indictment, but a commenyt on the way the business is run.
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Postby chunga1 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:11 pm

patience grasshoppers
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Postby Chuckgnh1 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:16 pm

[quote:18c723ca76="El-Saltman"]Where are my happy pills?

Some people are really silly. If everyone was okay with the status quo we would be beaten in every industry by every single country in the world-
except maybe Monaco, I hear they are really laid back there.[/quote:18c723ca76]

Hate to break it to you, salt, but we're just about there. Strat actually may be the one last product actually produced in our country - think about it.

(I'm LMAO at the guys on this board freaking out because our game's on hold for a few days. Jeez Louise, peeps!!! Get a proverbial LIFE!!!)
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Postby MrHacktastic » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:18 pm

I think every player deserves 1 free credit!!!

because of the trauma
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Postby SavoySpecial » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:25 pm

I don't understand how people can be this upset. We all want the site back up, but who wasn't prepared for a delay? He could have told us it would be down for two weeks months ago and we'd all be patiently waiting still...but because Bernie is probably a lot like us, loves this stuff, he tried to accomplish a difficult task in a short time so we can all get back to what we love to do. Can you fault him for wanting to be optimistic for something we all obviously love to play? I don't think so...I'm more focused on the excitement of seeing the new site once it's ready.

Hopefully right

and its a game...$25 or less for 2.5+ months of fun with a shot to win it back. doesnt get much better
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Postby Knerrpool » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:31 pm

Point #1. If you don't like the way this site operates, you are free to find another online strat-o-matic gamesite.

Point #2 For good or for bad (usually good) Bernie dictates how this game operates.

Point #3. If you don't like point #2, see point #1.
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