[quote:f4bf4d928b="nevdully's"]Simply doesn't know many facts about our ATG history as it relates to customer service or game improvements...[b:f4bf4d928b]Or perhaps we've just had different experiences.[/b:f4bf4d928b]
I could go through a list as long as my arm about what it took (unfortunately it took everything, from begging to complaining long and loud) before many many many things got done.
To those who can grasp how someone can "support the troops" but "be against the war" I'll say this.
Bernie seems to be a great guy....A guy that could get the job done...but my history here says that many times for whatever reasons he didn't/doesn't.
To disregard or sugarcoat the history is something I personally don't think should be done. Forgive? yes. Forget? No.
BDW do you know how/why we "finally" got a wiki page explaining the rules we "actually play by"?
BDW do you know how we got the 8 million new cards and counting?
BDW do you know how/why we got BP V.2 implemented?
BDW do you know why we got an "ask Bernie forum"?
[b:f4bf4d928b]Bernie is a good man, qualified to do a good job, but he has almost always needed a real strong push to get it going.[/b:f4bf4d928b][/quote:f4bf4d928b]
I feel like I should bow or offer my first born. And the troops/war analogy is becoming passe, no? Last I checked, we all pay one team at a time. We aint going to agree. And no one opinion is more right because of birthright, so to speak.
But for those that want to feel a certain way--so be it. It's a business. Not a friday poker game. We are customers--all of us. We have a vote and can "feel" however we choose.