I demand that Bernie Hou.......

I demand that Bernie Hou.......

Postby Mr Baseball World » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:19 am

........spend Fathers Day with his kids and with no worries. This will wait one day or two and the rest and family time will do you good and might very well help with getting back on the horse and getting this back on track. I look forward to this once it gets rolling. I will be here whenever that is. To take a corny slogan from one of my least favorite politicians......I stand with Bernie Hou.

Now is the time to support Bernie and be patient. Point out what isn't working but now is not the time to bash or finger point or say told you so. For those that really need to do that, do it after we are back on track, not now.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:22 am

The road may not have been as smooth as we hoped for but I believe that it will get fixed and we will have our game again soon. I wish I had the skills to help Bernie but computer stuff ain't my thing. In Bernie We Trust.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Bunze0 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:07 pm

I agree, he is trying. Does it really help to vent for a situation i am sure he is trying to make right? Well i hope bernie understands the majority is supportive.
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Postby beavis » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:25 pm

Amen. I'm with Bernie Hou, and I'm like, a part of the 99% even.
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Postby guardian154 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:45 pm

I wonder how many people are actually helping him make this move?
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Postby artie4121 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:02 am

[quote:ed4e61df4c]I wonder how many people are actually helping him make this move? [/quote:ed4e61df4c]

I've got some mileage behind me, and I've succeeded and failed at things. Here is my best-guess "observation."

1. When SOM took back the online game, they said to Bernie: "Ok, what do we need to transition?" Bernie told them, in his estimation, what needed to be done.

2. THEN, the key question came, which has been asked by managers forEVER: [i:ed4e61df4c]"Can you do it all yourself?"[/i:ed4e61df4c] They are, of course saying: "We damned well EXPECT you to do it all yourself!"

At this point, Bernie -- who may have been given a bump in salary, or a promise of a cut of sales, etc. -- didn't want to disappoint, and said "Yes, I can do it all myself."

This is NOT an indictment of Bernie at all. I've been in this situation at times, and it is hard to admit that it REALLY doesn't diminish your value to your manager, or make you look "bad" if you say, "I need three other guys/gals on a temp basis to get this sucker off the ground."

Just a Sunday morning observation.
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Postby TRW » Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:30 am

I always give Bernie his due. And I understand that the game is not complete at this time.

However, I would have rather them wait another 1,2 or 3 months and release a totally finished product incorporating not only the features lost from the TSN online version, but also most of the requests from the wishlist.

They should have run test leagues using current ciustomers to play out a few leagues. Then they would have flagged any potential issues and would have been able to fix these issues in the test phase.

I am sure this was a huge undertaking to start this from scratch. And that what was done so far should be commended given the relatively short timeframe.

But, I am just not a big fan of releasing partially finished products and fixing them on the fly as time rolls on. I think you only invite criticism from paying customers when you do that...
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Postby Palanion » Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:05 pm

We're never going to hear the whole behind-the-scenes story, but I have an educated guess that there was a deadline by TSN as to when the games had to be moved.
And so Bernie and SOM came up with a schedule to meet that deadline with time to spare... and then glitches happened (they always do) and Bernie got ill, etc.
I am willing to bet that SOM was (is?) going to promote the online game as soon as it was (is) up, running, and glitchless. And it was to launch at the same time as their new Web site design.
SOM has been much more aggressive with their marketing from the start of their 50th anniversary campaign. I can't see why they would not extend it to SOM Online.
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