transition info/FAQ

Postby Mean Dean » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:26 pm

[quote:4dff16981c="macnole"][b:4dff16981c]Fix the SOM Rainbow![/b:4dff16981c]
From lowest frequency to highest frequency in the visual spectrum--red, yellow, green, blue, violet.

This is very important![/quote:4dff16981c]There's a cheat code for this. Search for Roy G. Biv and add him to your roster.
Mean Dean
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:28 pm

[quote:f688c48592="El-Saltman"]This brings up a point that I think some are overlooking.

Lets be honest about something- the Board/Dice game isnt attracting a new generation of fans. Im speaking generally of course.

The ONLY way SoM is going to be vibrant in 10 years from now is to attract new customers that are going to play some electronic version of the game or games.
Which likely means they are going to roll out other sports online at some point in the future.
In fact if they arent thinking this way- imo, its really myopic.

I dont think they are going to scrap the game because of initial troubles-
even if they are big ones- and if they do- it just shows they had no commitment to begin with.[/quote:f688c48592]

Couldn't agree more. The online game is the only chance for Strat to survive long term.
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Postby nevdully's » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:42 pm

I don't think Richman cares about any term longer than the day he goes to his grave.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:18 pm

Wow, don't check in for a few hours and the speculation-ists come out in force. The last several posts pretty much has doomed the online game and ruled out any chance for strato to have a future as kids won't play board games.

I'm going to go ahead and be the naive optimist and assume everything will be OK. It's just a delay to fix the bugs.

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Postby cminton » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:19 pm

Radio silence?
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Postby bkeat23 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:23 pm

[quote:927a9a32a8="cminton"]Radio silence?[/quote:927a9a32a8]
[url=]Radio Nowhere[/url]
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Very Poor Transition

Postby JohnnyBlazers » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:25 pm

I think that this has been handled very poorly by Strat, to roll-out a product on-line that does not work speaks volumes about what they think of their customers. In my job, if someone rolled out a new database that didn't work, management would chop some peoples heads off without question. I've been involved in a few data transitions and we never, ever went live without making sure that all functionality was up to par. Professionally speaking, this is never supposed to happen, but then again, if you think about it, SOM has always been a Mom & Pop type operation who relied on their legion of fanatics purchase their board game products. that has always been their bread & butter and the organization itself is probably not finely attuned to the realities of web based operations-that is not their thing.

The mistake here appears to be that they tried to integrate all of these "improvements" in their transfer to SOM, when what they probably should have done is move the game "as is" to the new site AND THEN make any improvements. Not crazy about the new interface, but then again it might be just a matter of time to get used to it since many of us have played the same game for 4-5 years now. Stylistically, I think the game hasn't changed since we went from ATG II to III.

I've followed this game religiously for the last 9-10 years and have gotten many hours of entertainment and I hope to be able to continue - the addiction has been broken, at least temporarily - I just wonder how many will actually come back to what looks like an inferior product?
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Postby BergRad » Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:57 pm

SOM has always been a mom and pop operation as we have all experienced since the 60's. It has relied on the genius of one man who produced it and kept it going. That constant has not changed as they attempted to enter the digital age. Partnering with TSN was a smart move to outsource in order to get much needed revenue. There were times in the 80's and early 90's when SOM's survival was on the ropes. The PC game (early DOS versions) saved their butt and eventually enabled TSN SOM Online which had to generate very significant income for them without any in-house technology or investment. Current technology and customer service has never been SOM's forte. Witness their poor website over the years and aweful customer support which in the DOS and subsequent versions of the game was limited in available hours and rude. Now tech support costs by the minute to speak to a person. Not a business model for success other than they have the product that the customers crave every Jan/Feb opening day with anticipation that is analagous to our online anticipation of the wavers deadline and frenzy.

Simply, despite their other football, basketball,etc products SOM needs baseball and the Online game money. Problem is that Pop is now grandpa and the Online product relies soley upon another single man to survive as was proven this past week.

Of course we have no idea of what is really going on in Glen Head N.Y. It's all speculation. Having said this they need SOM BB Online.
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nighttime prayer

Postby fatdaddy054 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:27 pm

Now I lay me down to sleep, a box of strat-O at my feet.
If I should die before I wake, tell Hal to put my closer in, don't steal....means DON'T steal, never H&R with G.Brett, and for once give me a good D.Mattingly card. :lol:

Smile everyone, life is good, enjoy the downtime with the "people" in our everyday lives. Everything happens for a reason.


PS. if the game comes back I hope to be 30lbs lighter and kick everyones A$$ :wink:
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:40 pm

i need to lose around 75 just ask my wife. she has gotten her first good look at me in ages! Thanks SOM! :lol:
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