transition updates

New Game Issue Don't Know Where to Post

Postby ths92110 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:56 pm

Has anyone noticed that when you set your lineup on a mystery game at the new site its not extracting the correct fielding rating for the player's position? For example I am in the middle of an 80s league named TSN_42644. I have Guerrero and am starting him in RF. At that position he should be a RF-3(+1). The lineup card shows him as a RF-4(+1). In other words the game is reading the first fielder rating on Guerrero's card regardless of which position he's playing. I have a similar problem with Darrell Evans, which shows he's an e11 at third base when is e-rating for third base is actually e37. I tried e-mailing customer service at the new site but did not get a response. Anyone know if this problem's been recognized and/or addressed?

Another major issue I see is the lack of a forum. Obviously a huge part of this game is babbling with all you guys. :D I looked -- extensively I thought -- on the new site and cannot find where (if anywhere) the new forum is. I think its an issue that must be addressed.

Anyways I've always believed that patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. So take a breath, be patient and wait. God knows we have already have enough fly-by-night, flash-in-the pan, hurry- up-and-build BS in our society. Let's not turn this into another example.

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Postby mykeedee » Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:57 pm

[quote:40cd5e2511]Used to play ABPA as a kid, any feedback on their computer versions? I don't think they have an online version. I don;t think APBA is as statistically correct as Strat, but was I addicted to that game as a kid [/quote:40cd5e2511]

Used to play as a kid (10 or 11 or 12 yrs. old) and I loved that game, no calculators, we did stats in my neighborhood longhand. I do think that strat covers the game better than APBA did, more options and more realism. I know they came out with advanced ratings but they were still not as realistic as Strat. That being said there was no "online" when I was growing up and I wonder how the online version differs from the old board game.
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Postby JohnnyBlazers » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:18 pm

The problem with the APBA board game as I recall is that you had like 6 boards (Bases Empty, Bases Full, 1st & 3rd...) You could get whiplash going back and forth checking for results whereas Strat the results are right on the players cards. The pitcher ratings (A, B, C..) determined where you go on the boards and were generalized ratings, not individual ratings for pitchers like Strat. No ballpark effects either. It was an ok game...agree though not as good as Strat
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Postby cminton » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:18 pm

While I agree that we should be patient, I think Rivs has a point. I did not sign up on the SOM site to receive their email spam. I signed up because I want to play my credits. I understand how the world works and I understand that this is a business, but it would be common courtesy not to use this particular distribution list until they are up and running.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:37 pm

I am not mad at Bernie or anyone and I think you guys DO have a right to complain.

I agree with Lanier64 that SOM's customer service has been sub par (to say the least) in the past, but that has nothing to do with Bernie.

The on-line game (and Bernie) have always made things right as far as I know.
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ths92110 say's

Postby oldhat2 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:45 pm

I have a team in 2011 league with Allen Craig at 1st listed as 4+1e3! Whats more, how about Giambi at DH 5e9! :lol: I'm sure they will straighten these out!
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Re: During my downtime, Checked out APBA

Postby OakAth72 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:26 am

[quote:10dc8e3200="johnnyblazers"]Used to play ABPA as a kid, any feedback on their computer versions? I don't think they have an online version. I don;t think APBA is as statistically correct as Strat, but was I addicted to that game as a kid[/quote:10dc8e3200]

APBA was it for me as a kid......used to stack all the cards by position and draft teams with seven other kids on the block. Never even heard of Strat until about three years ago when someone told me about the online game. As a matter of fact I have never even seen a Strat card outside of this online version.
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what he said

Postby buzzards1 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:20 am

[quote:de4738e480="BeltranFebles"]Amen to the Rivs! This "transition" has been an absolute joke. I'm still waiting for my offer of credit(s). I'm guessing I shouldn't hold my breath.[/quote:de4738e480] I would just hope that if compensation is offered in the way of a credit , that it would be for everyone , i turned on this online sight to 2 of my Army buddies who seemed very motivated to join us here and drafted (free trial) teams with the hope of us all competing against each other and joining this very cool community and it just so happened to be at the very beginning of the transition , i'm new to the online game but have at least gotten to enjoy 3/4 of a season and plan to stick around ... point being if credits are offered , make them for everyone , even the extreme newbies out here who have free trial teams lined up to play but are still going thru the frustration of the transition and after all are the future folks who drop the $$ -thnx bernie
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Postby Manofsteel » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:01 am

I'm not sure how or if credits will be distributed, I bought a 5 pack and was only able to draft one team and unfortunately I think all the problems have stopped alot of guys from creating teams. I have been watching the league directory and the league movement has been slowed to a crawl, not much action at all. Their is no question that we have all been Inconvenienced by all this I'm really curious how and if som will compensate all of its loyal members here.
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Postby timklucinec » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:34 am

You are still the man! Thanks for all of your help that you have given me. You are the guru for Strat-O-Matic. You should be a VP in the company for technology.

Tim Klucinec
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