I know this question is a little out of Vogue but I joined my first 2005 league when they were half price and it will probably be my last as I will almost exclusively play 2001 and 2006. But a few weeks into this league and I find myself searcing for starters under 1.5mil. Anyone have any advice?
I'm hovering around .500 and have a pretty good one-two punch in Curt Schilling and Pedro Martinez. I was trying to keep a 4 man rotation but that means the other two would get the extra starts as well. I've since dumped my three and four and picked up Russ Ortiz as my number 3. He's had a couple of rough outings to start but I'm pretty confident he'll turn around. Number 4 and 5 are currently David Wells and Estaban Loiza. Wells looks good so far but I think I would have had better results with Estaban the guitar player than the Loiza that played for the Yankees in the 2005 card set.
Now, I do have that Bond guy on my team and he's doing well, very well in fact but not 16mil contract well. Cutting him would lose over 4 mil and there is literally no one worth picking up in the starters over 6 mil. The other hitting free agents are pretty much picked throught so I might as well keep him. Here's a link to my team. Any suggestions.