p's right of course...anyone who ever used "performance enhancing supplements" in any sport should be banished and their careers deleted...leaving us with, uh...Buddy Biancalana?
and if it's found that any SOM managers are actually using COFFEE to supplement their performance...well, BANISHED...(unless they fork over another $25 bucks)...
it's too bad you guys want to destroy Bonds...he's beautiful to watch...there's so much more to the man than whatever supplements he and everyone else may or may not have been taking...as anyone who's ever been in a locker room knows, steroids cannot hit a baseball...that's eye-hand coordination, focus, meditation, knowledge, wisdom, skill, patience, poker, yoga, chi, physics...steroids are (were) something used across american society to help the body heal more rapidly from injuries...if they're harmful, they should be banned, and let's move on...
and, please, let me know when they autopises are done after exhuming Frank Howard and Rocky Colovito...I'm sure what they were using makes steroids look like pop-tarts...