by Al Hogg » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:05 pm
1 TomSiebert (New Jersey)
2 SGT D (New York)
3 AlHogg (Illinois/Iowa Mid-Day)
4 meat (Nevada)
5 kramed (Kansas)
6 Ducapa (Pennsylvania)
7 TS Kelly (Connecticut)
8 pjredsoxfan (Massachusetts)
9 bkoron
Meat, Nevada doesn't have a lottery. (Don't want to do anything to stop folks from losing their money at casinos, I suppose.) Pick a state with a pick 3 or you go 12th:
I don't think Massachusetts has a pick 3; we'll go with the first three digits of the "Numbers."
Otherwise, let's go with Mid-Day as the default. I note New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania all have both a Mid-Day and an Evening. (Connecticut has a "Mid-Day 3" and a "Play 3.")
Draft order is lowest number to highest.
We reverse the numbers for divisions. Lowest four in the East, next four in the Central, highest four in the West.
Did we decide on a 14 round draft (13 players and a unique stadium)?