Calling Original USKL (Bubba Hotep= MikeJ)

Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:44 am

Either way I don't care- next draft though, we need to make sure it is an even playing field by listing all those available for draft. I, too, would have made different choices had I known. But for this 3-round, I am not too worried.
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Postby nythawk129921 » Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:27 am

I too agree.It was my understanding all along that if the player was not on Penns site then he is not eligible to be drafted.This is definitely not fair to us who do not have cards and can only go by the site for our picks.This league has gotten to the point of no return for me and I am going to graciously back out now instead of going thru more agony.Sorry fellas
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:37 am

Well, whatever. I had only posted on this very topic about a half-dozen times already but it doesn't seem to have mattered.

What's more it seems that the growing sentiment (apart from a momentary spurt) was negative from the outset and what with Hawkeye's last post and the criticism from Big it seems that the best choice at this point is to declare this post and league officially [b:579e4572bc]DEAD[/b:579e4572bc]

I wish we could have reached this point before I spent some time last week compiling the lists.

Thanks guys, and see you. :cry:

PS [quote:579e4572bc]I am going to graciously back out now[/quote:579e4572bc]There never is NOTHING "gracious" about backing out of a committment and leaving 11 other guys holding the bag btw. :roll:
Last edited by cirills on Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:42 am

This league was set up before SOM cards were issued - so in effect Penn guessed as to who would have a card. Then he entered these guesses into his draft site. Those are the players we have to choose from this first season. Only those players on the original draft. It doesn't matter that they had a card - it only matters that they are in Penn's original draft list. We can't change the rules after the fact. Not everyone has the ratings disk or ratings sheet. Not everyone knows who actually had cards issued. The only fair way is to go by what is entered into Penn's site. No player - not eligible.

Our next draft will use this year's set of players that appear in Penn's draft list. That's where you find the Dukes and Blantons.

I realize that we've had problems with this league from the end of the first season. I also appreciate that some people have stepped up to try and keep this league going, for which I am grateful. But we need to keep our rules consistant from league to league if we are to continue.

I've said my piece, so now I'll slip back into the etherworld... :)
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:49 am

Whether or not Blanton was on Penn's site should not have mattered if guys like Turnbow were. It only means that Penn didn't enter every player that had gotten a SOM card in at the start of that season. As we know he ALSO didn't eneter in Dave Bush who DID have a SOM card AND a TSN card (instead he included HOMER Bush who was NOT in baseball) but of course we allowed Dave Bush to exist.

We said, (fine I said -- the guy who got apponted to try and revive this thing) that they only needed to have a SOM card which meant they had to have played in 2004.

I said that the start of this 3 round draft and MANY times after. As far as checking Penn's site, I have not done that ONCE since the draft started.

I simply used the list of players taken previously and figured out which players were available based on that. If that is too tough for someone to do then I am truly sorry but that's a pretty weak excuse in my book.

There has been too much crying and too much delay now for me to retain my interest further in pursuing a concept that we ALL had committed fervently to at the start.

What a damn shame. :cry:

As a friend of mine likes to say, "See you later, bye!"
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Postby bigmahon » Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:08 am

Well, it was definitely not my intention to derail the league. I apologize for saying "extremely irritated", as that was hyperbolic at best. I had a late night here watching the Masters, and I guess I was tired and cranky. Sorry about that. Having said that, I was briefly frustrated by my inability to figure out what the rules really were/are, and for having missed an opportunity to take Blanton (who I like for the price). I take full responsibility for not knowing the rules, however, and I would like to echo Kaviksdad's appreciation of Sandy's efforts to keep this going. I hope we can still make a go of it.

In my view, we have struggled ever since Mike left us in the lurch. Sorry, but that's how I see it. :(
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Postby blueiguana » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:05 pm

I'm sorry to see this league getting derailed. If folks want to revive or start anew, keep me in mind. Thanks for the hard work that many put in trying to keep it going.
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:29 pm

If you guys can find a replacement or convince Hawk to come back then we can finish this 3 rounder and start the New Season.

Otherwise, .... :cry:
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Postby nythawk129921 » Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:18 pm

my apologies to my very good friend sandy for my comments earlier.They were by no means an attack on you personally.You have done a helluva job resusitating this league and I think I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate everything you have done especially when one takes into account your travel schedule lately.I was out of line and again apologize for my comments and will be more than happy to stay put and keep getting my @&& kicked by the rest of the league.
That being said I will have no time over the next day and a half to research my next pick so I would appreciate it if the league skips my turn until I have more time to make my pick.My internet access will be extremely limited until Wednesday morning sometime
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:23 pm

No probs. It sounds like we are all a little high strung. I know I am beat finally being home after being away for 9 weeks.

Let's just push on and finish this 3 round draft and get ready for the new one.

That said ...
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