Back to the 80's GAME ENGINE / INTERFACE Improvement List

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Back to the 80's GAME ENGINE / INTERFACE Improvement List

Postby Semper Gumby » Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:35 am

Okay, TSN's 2006 (2005 cards) SOM season is out and underway. Moreover, Bernie and company solved the TSN server upgrade a few long weeks ago. Further, ATG owners received a new coat of fresh paint many moons ago and now are loving ATG v2 with all the big HoFs slugging it out.

Ain't it time we communicate (again) what we desire for the Back to the 80's game?

[b:166dec4a67]EASIER UPGRADES[/b:166dec4a67] (min. requirements)

[list:166dec4a67]Adapt and implement 2006's engine / interface (e.g., salary levels / home and away splits, player awards)

Real TSN owner names on the standings[/list:u:166dec4a67]

[b:166dec4a67]HARDER UPGRADES[/b:166dec4a67] ("wants")

[list:166dec4a67]Implement additional statistical features found in the CD-ROM version (e.g., x-chance fielding results {not the dice results but shows x-chance % for an individual player on the leader stats}, individual RC/27 ratings {CD-ROM computes these for all players})

Add a few more players (late 70s or earlier 90s) but not to the extent that the everyone has a line-up of Babe Ruths

Either change the pricing on rarely used players or remove some[/list:u:166dec4a67]
Semper Gumby
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby yak1407 » Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:45 am

When you talk about changing the pricing on rarely used players, do you mean introduce, for example, $500,000?
I don't necessarily agree on adding players. If there are obvious players missing from that era, sure.
But part of the fun is working with the number of players. I find the 20XX games have far too many players to choose from.
Don't forget more controls on setting your bullpen, making defensive substitutions.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Outta Leftfield » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:16 pm

I have a certain ambivalence about fixing the pricing. On the one hand, a lot of salaries are out of whack. In objective terms, they really need to be fixed. Subjectively, though, I've now got a list of bargain players that I regularly try to take advantage of, and I and other experienced managers will lose our edge if the pricing is brought more into line with reality.

I agree it would be good for the game, but I'd face the change with a certain regret. (There goes Jerry Remy!--just to mention one.)
Outta Leftfield
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Semper Gumby » Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:24 pm

Of course, reaping HoF results out of the lower priced players is part of the game. As for Remy, he isn't much of a secret but his pricing deserves a bump to the $1m range. :D

If anything, I want to see a few more catchers moved around $1m range (same lot of backstops). :D

As for missing players, I saw an earlier list of players (e.g., Seaver) that would fit (1977 to 1992) timeframe. Heck, you could draw a very young Barry Bonds card (1986) or even a few other future stars.

Otherwise, Bernie can add many of the CD-ROM features to include Hal's Super settings and a whole host of stats (available now).
Semper Gumby
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby THOMASBITTERMAN » Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:09 pm

The list of flaws in the web interface is long. Some are usability issues, some are just a matter of not displaying already-existing stats in a useful manner:
[*:f3d63ae79d]Every table should be sortable by every column. I mean, a stats-based league where I can't even sort my hitters by BA?
[*:f3d63ae79d]The ability to annotate players. If I know a player's year, I should be able to leave a note to myself on the web page itself.
[*:f3d63ae79d]There should be more/better ways to compare my team to other teams and the league as a whole. For example: How is my starting pitching compared to the rest of the league? How does my team do in various parks?
[*:f3d63ae79d]Why can't I see splits on free agents who've played this season?
[*:f3d63ae79d]Every player should be ranked, at least in a few major categories. As it is if your guy isn't in the top 10, you don't know where he is.
[*:f3d63ae79d]A team-vs-team win matrix would be nice.
[*:f3d63ae79d]So would some sort of free agent notification system. (e.g. a message that said: "Player X has been waived")
None of these require changes to the game engine - just a few tweaks to the HTML in most cases.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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