Not including Glenglen's Round 11 pick. This includes overnight waits...
<>BK 0:01:33
<>SGTD 0:08:34
<>ACURARL 0:35:43
<>DUCAPA 0:44:37
<>POPE 0:44:46
<>TSKELLY 1:19:55
<>GLENGLEN 1:44:24
<>HESMEAT 1:54:03
<>MSIEBERT 4:04:55
Is it mere coincidence that the two teams that have spent the most per player picked have done it all through proxies?
It's a $100 million league, guys, no need to spend too much time bargain hunting.
Oh, Penngray's site does not automatically skip players, the administrator still needs to go in and do it.
Keep in mind, though, we're being flexible and cool here. 8) We'll get this thing done soon.