Poor Mets. They just can't seem to shake the Braves.
They win the opener of a big early season series with pedro winng his 200th in the process. All of New York proceeds to hail this the year of the Mets. They say...look we are 10 and whatever and Pedro just shut down the Braves. Look out world the Mets are here!
Well the next morning Bobby Cox checked the schedule and just to be sure checked with Mr. Bud and the league offices ...it seems all the teams still had to play the rest of the season.
Low and behold the Bravo's take the next 2 games of the crucial early season series. Oh yeah, they did it without the notorious Mets slayer Chipper Jones and the off season's best aqquisition Edgar Renteria. To say nothing of their lack of closer. How can this be? They were world beaters just 24 hours ago.
I'll admit The Met's seem to make all the right moves but they just can't beat the mojo. I sensed a bit of chemistry change with the Mets this year and that may well still play out. But I'm afraid that until Mr. Cox says it time...the Mets will have to settle for 2nd.