The Original USKL -- TSN Version 2011 (Chat Room)

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:30 pm

FD gave you another PM

Ineluki, OBVIUOSLY that wasn't the total deal, but a place to start talking, but you didn't respond. Tough to work things out, when only one party talks. :wink:

Hitting the hay fellas g'night.
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:31 pm

Sandy, hate to be an a-hole, but Liriano is not on the FA list. I think you need to re-pick or explain what we should do. I am holding off until you do....

OK now I see he is on the revised list. But I thought the player had to have a card in SOM? I don't see him or his card. Here is the post, which actually has conflicting info:

*** Eligible to be drafted in the upcoming FA Draft will be ANY PLAYER on that list which will include ANY UNOWNED PLAYER that [b:7c08962b20]has a SOM card for the 2005 season[/b:7c08962b20] (ie; PLAYED MLB in the 2005 season).****

Sandy, you went on to specify that this meant TSN-excluded players were eligible, but the above says they must have an SOM card, which Liriano clearly does not. I will go ahead & pick anyway, as I think we'd have made the same pick regardless, but tough to make picks when the target is always moving....
Last edited by qksilver69 on Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:34 pm

He certainly is (or should I say was).

I just went back and checked and he is(was) still there (on the thread in this Forum) AND was on every updated FA excel file I sent out. :?:

You may pick.

F. Liriano is now mine.

Liriano,F* 20 20.8 13.8 22.5 S(5) R(3)

from the excel file I sent out


Liriano,F* 20 20.8 13.8 22.5 S(5) R(3)

From the thread on this very Forum.
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:41 pm

[quote:29a2e68434]but tough to make picks when the target is always moving....
[/quote:29a2e68434]I absolutely RESENT that remark.

This matter has been discussed a million times already.

Um Quick, you are a little late to this party but here again is the bottom line.

It was mentioned on THIS thread more than once.

I realize you came in late but I would have been glad to answer any questions. I have worked too hard on this to take any shots at this hour.

(And you might have wondered why some of these names are on the FA list). :wink:

He certainly DOES have a SOM card. He has a Computer Card -- If you use a book and not the Disk it will be the names in Bold Balck.

We also include the "x" cards on the bottom of the disk.

Simply put -- ANY player that played in the ML in '05 will have some kind of Computer Sim card and ALL of these are eligible.

That is why ALL of thse names are listed on the Excel File and post in this Forum and HAVE been since the getgo.

I think the miscommunication is that these "boldfaced players" don't hace actual [b:29a2e68434]cards[/b:29a2e68434] in the game but rather on the data disk in the Computer Game.
Last edited by cirills on Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:44 pm

I have the CD-ROM Sandy, but I guess I missed the part where we said what SOM considers a non-carded player (their terminology) is eligible. If X-card players are eligible, then we shouldn't have any language which says that they need an SOM card, just have language which says any player who played in a major league game in 2005 is eligible - isn't that simpler?

Ok, will get off my soapbox now...
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:49 pm

[quote:5afd202672]just have language which says any player who played in a major league game in 2005[/quote:5afd202672]

That IS the language we ended up using BECAUSE of the very same terminology problem.

Why you didn't get that from my e-mail to you I don't know and apologize but THAT IS the bottom line.

In fact, that is EXACTLY why I had to send out updated Excel Files (which I believe you got one) because Ninersphan pointed out that I had left out the "x" data players, when I had said ANY PLAYER WHO PLAYED IN '05) was eligible to be drafted.

This is how we can build for the future, with THESE players.

I'll get off MY soapbox and go to bed now.

G'nite! 8)
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:52 pm

Ddidn't want this to get lost in the aftermath:

Meanwhile, I have updated [b:0be3e75c71]The Free Agent List and The Current Rosters[/b:0be3e75c71] thru Round One, and I have started a [b:0be3e75c71]Completed Rounds[/b:0be3e75c71] thread. I also moved the [b:0be3e75c71]Free Agent Draft[/b:0be3e75c71] thread into Round 2.

The two numbers in parentheses list the amount of players left to drafted and the total number of players being drafted respevtively.

[b:0be3e75c71]PS We are now going to a 6-hour clock starting with THIS round.[/b:0be3e75c71]

For some of you familiar with me you'll knwo that seems sacriligous but being that we are not using Penn's site with a proxy system I think it's only fair. However, I hope everyone will make the best attempt to NOT use all that time, and blueiguana let us know what your final answer is.

Being that it is a 6-hour clock, the clock will be "active" from 9AM - 12PM EST.

G'nite fellers.

Sandy 8)

Oh yeah [b:0be3e75c71]Bubba Hotep[/b:0be3e75c71] is up!!!
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Postby blueiguana » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:09 pm

[quote:24c8f5bc81]Well then, the way I see it is if you are fine with just doing USKL 2 Blue, and you are ready to committ to this long-term Stoney then maybe that's best given Blue's upcoming schedule. [/quote:24c8f5bc81]

Stoney, if you'd like to take this team, let me know and it is yours. If not, I'll keep on going with it.
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:16 pm

I hear you blue. I don't want you to feel or think that I am forcing you out though ... :cry:

Meanwhile, QK -- the following is straight from the first page of this very thread (i used NP's question as an example there too):

[quote:3150e75fee]Sandy I know you've repeated this stuff ad-nauseum, but I just want it to be crystaline clear,

when you say SOM card, do you mean TSN SOM card or do you mean any SOM card, ie, computer players.

as an example,
is Ryan Zimmerman 3b Wash. eligible to be drafted???

again I apologize for asking for more clarification, I just want us all on the same page before we start. [/quote:3150e75fee]

No Prob NP

ANY SOM CARD (ie; Computer Cards -- ie; [b:3150e75fee]ANY PLAYER who played in the ML in 2005) [/b:3150e75fee]

But don't worry.

[b:3150e75fee][i:3150e75fee]If he IS eligible, he WILL be on the master list[/i:3150e75fee][/b:3150e75fee] I post along with all eligible positions (just for you NP)

Again I aplogize for any confusion I might have caused YOU QK, when I was trying to replace Cubit (at that time) I might not have spelled it out just that way.

You are right. In the future, instead of breaking it into 3 different parts -- it will be easier to simply say -- played MLB in the previous season.

'Nuff said.

Meanhwile, my wife fell asleep! :cry:

Oy vay ... :roll:
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Postby cirills » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:20 pm

Unfortunately, I realize now that Zimmerman was not the best example for "the rule", since he in fact DOES have a SOM card.

It was when NP brought up [b:1ea0a7876d]Willingham[/b:1ea0a7876d] later on, that I realized I had left out the "x" players (the ones only with Data on the Computer Disk and in [b:1ea0a7876d]boldface[/b:1ea0a7876d] in the Ratings Book - and thus not technically having "a card"). These are the players that Penn had "incompletely" put into his/our draftsite the previous year. Most were included but a select few (like [b:1ea0a7876d]Blanton[/b:1ea0a7876d]) were left out.

It WOULD have been less confusing to not even mention the word "card" at all, and instead to just have simply focused on just saying "MLB play".

I just suck! :roll: :oops:

Regardless, I DID post it correctly on the Master FA list here in this Forum (AND on the revised excel files I sent out to anyone that requested one), and hopefully we are ALL clear now moving forward.

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