Are all 2005 (2004 season) credits being given as 2006 credits? I won a championship on March 19th but currently have no credits for the 2005 game. I was under the assumption that one cerdit would be automatically transferred, thereby leaving one in 2005 and one in 2006 but never seem to have received the 2005 credit.
I also received the following e-mail on March 17th:
Please note: Effective today, all 200X winners (2001, 2002, 2003, and 2005) will be given a credit for the new 2006 game!!!!
Was anyone else under the impression from this e-mail that we were to receive a free credit for the 2006 game, if you had won a previous championhip? Did anyone receive a free credit for '06?
Thanks in advance for any input. Take care all.