sandlot - i would like to keep this draft filled. if it means changing that free agent rule, i am fine w/ that as long as the rest of the league has no issues. i just wanna do an auction!!!
so would you still be in if we kept free agents closed and still need to be done thru the auction site?
[quote:0b24c62534="spicki17"]all free agents post-waivers are open to all[/quote:0b24c62534]
spicki, just dump this nonsense and do a regular auction. :wink:
ok im fine w/ that. no trades during auction and all free agent moves must be made through the auction site.
[quote:57a916b35f]and when I checked (about 10:30am CDT) it wouldn't log me onto any auction drafts[/quote:57a916b35f]
- this will not show until the auction is created, and we are waiting on all 12 people to say they are ready so that no one will be unaware of the start of the auction (hopefully today sometime).
Quick question about making FA moves through the site - do you have to first make a move through the site, and then make the appropriate move on the TSN site?
Also, as long as everyone is putting up stipulations about whether or not they will play:
I will only play if everyone agrees to let me win. :twisted:
ck checking in
in the best interest of getting everyones panties out of a twist, we should just move to a regular auction... ie protected players, no trading during auction, no JOing on the keyboard, etc...