by Al Hogg » Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:56 pm
[quote:a0ea7be9ab]What if you want to pick up more than one player? [/quote:a0ea7be9ab]
You just get "dibs" on one player. After 3 Eastern, it is a free for all for others.
We could set the time allotment for each player's draft choice at the lowest possible amount. (I guess it sometimes takes five minutes for a proxy to kick in, so we would have to leave it at least at that level.)
The only problem I see is that we still might have the situation in which somebody doesn't put in a proxy (not even his NL player), the next person in line isn't available to make a pick and skip the previous person and the whole thing grinds to a halt. Can anyone think of a way around that?
The other option, I suppose, is just to send a message to whomever is in first place that week with your choice. (The first place team is going to have to pick from the leftovers anyway.)
If you are in last place, you would only need to send one name, but people farther up the ladder would need to send more to make sure they get a player (if they want one that week, that is). This system, of course, would be dependent upon the guy in first place being around and willing to sort through the selections.
Other ideas?