Event 2, League 5 Sign-ups - DRAFT STARTED

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:20 am

Riggo, why did you remove your team, you were already in? What am I missing here?

I've never seen filling a league be any harder than this.
Last edited by Jeepdriver on Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SGTD » Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:23 am

This feels like a Live Draft rather than an Auto-Draft :? . SGT D
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:29 am

This league has got me ticked. The Tour leagues aren't suppose to fill where people want to wait so there's more time to tinker, or people wait for days to get their team in, or to remove a team because you may be oot and miss waivers or something. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a Tour rule you can't remove your team after you've put it in the league.

We need to draft this league today! We shouldn't have had to wait this long, much less another 4 days.
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Postby edgecitytx » Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:36 am

I think we need a ruling on this, either from our LC (Mesquiton) or Tee. I've played in a lot of leagues with Riggo and never had a problem before (other than his consistently beating me), but unless he explains differently (and he hasn't so far), this sure feels like one player hijacking the league to suit his own convenience without asking anyone else.

Here's what it opens up: What if I pull my team out Thursday morning because I can't be there for waivers over the weekend? When does it stop?

Riggo, if you have a better explanation, please offer it.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:00 pm

Edge you said it perfectly. I've got nothing but respect for Riggo and I have sent him an e-mail with my concerns here.

Not offering an explanation, I assumed he was being selfish, but I know that it's dangerous to assume, as we all know. So like you, I will stand by to see if there's a better explanation.

If, however, he doesn't show back up soon, we are definitely gonna need that ruling.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:05 pm

Riggo returned my e-mail. Basically, this is the situation. He is OOT Mon-Thu with no access. He was pretty peeved about the league not being ready to enter this past Thu or Fri, and knowing he'd miss waivers, he pulled his team out. I don't want to speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he knows that was kinda a jerky thing to do, but he was miffed about the league not drafting as I just mentioned.

I don't think he can get to a computer today, but he can and will enter his team Wed if the league says that's ok. If not, I think he will understand that too.

So, I guess we wait on our LC or Tee to rule.

Personally, all this is unfortunate, but it is a game, and I'm willing to wait, although it does probably set a bad precedent if we do wait. IOW, I don't know, thank goodness I'm not in charge.
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Postby SGTD » Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:44 pm

I guess it is a moot point since Terry has not entered his Team as well. I have a Strategic Planning meeting on Thursday, then on Saturday we have to take our son to a Birthday Party then I have a Golf Tournment on Sunday which starts at 2PM EST which would mean I would miss waivers... :? what to do? That is a easy answer, I will miss the waiver like I have done in the past if need be 8) . This is the first time I have ever been through this problem, always time for the first (And the Last). SGT D
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Postby Terry101 » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:32 pm

Terry is in. One spot remaining to draft. Riggo's been around awhile. Give him some slack or have a ruling to let another team in with Riggo's ok.
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:50 pm

Guys, I just got in, and gotta leave again in about 5 minutes...won't be back until late tonight, and probably won't get to a computer again until after work tomorrow.

My immediate thoughts on the situation:

1. Speaking only for myslelf, I'd have no problem with drafting Wednesday to accommodate Riggo.

2. I don't know what Riggo has to be peeved about...it's only because HE neglected to leave a stadium pick that we couldn't be ready to draft last Thursday. In light of the regard he's shown the league so far, I don't know what assurance we have that he'll even get his team in Wednesday, or Thursday, if it happens not to suit him when the time comes. Then we're right back in the situation we voted to avoid last week, except it's a week later.

3. I'd also have no problem with advertising immediately for a replacement. If Riggo gets his team in first, great. If not, he can move to a league that suits him better, and we draft when we're full.

4. If we replace Riggo, we'll either need somebody willing to use Fenway (Riggo's pick), or else pick his own stadium...in which case it seems only fair that the guys already in the West have a chance to adjust their draft cards, if that's an issue with anybody. That could also take time, so if we go the replacement route, we should make that decision as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, having just learned of all this, I'm reluctant to make a ruling without at least a little more input from the league. I agree with Jeep it's a bad precedent to let a single manager jerk the whole league around to suit himself, but there is precedent for trying to accommodate everybody within reason...at least when they are considerate enough to work WITH the league.

Unfortunately, I'm being hollered at to get in the car even as I type, gotta go...but by all means if anybody wants to take over as LC in my absence, or ask teepack for an immediate ruling, please don't hesitate to do so!
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:56 pm

ps: I just saw the recent posts above mine...if it's Jeep's understanding that Riggo would not object, then, if somebody has the time to do it, let's go ahead and advertise for a replacement.

Now I REALLY gotta go! :shock:
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