2006 Auction League -- PRESEASON

Postby pacoboy » Wed May 03, 2006 11:16 pm

I was stuck on the Long Island Rail Road or I may have knocked that one down.

....then again, I have a soft spot for Chocolate man after the "cheese" compliment :)

Now who's gonna keep Roger company on my bench :wink:
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Thu May 04, 2006 7:35 am

i was a little suprised too.......i use that cheese w/ wine comment sometimes myself.....its an oldie but a goodie.
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Postby Sknsfan » Thu May 04, 2006 8:35 am

OK, I have hit the point I have concern over:

I've made 5 opening bids this morning, but the remainder of the players I'm intereested in bidding on are already out there and it won't let me bid on them until I've opened a sixth player.

(I'm solving the problem today by bidding on a stadium, but what about tomorrow?)

Do you get stuck with bids you don't want to make or are you left hoping someone bids on them to get it away from you?

Generally 1/2 to 2/3 of the bids I make each day are gone by 6am. It's impossible to maintain the 26 bids each day.

Just confusded again.
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Only have $18 currently but I still have 23 hrs and 55 min

Postby pacoboy » Thu May 04, 2006 8:37 am

......to get free of an extra $0.50 mil to bump up Giambi :P
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Postby Sknsfan » Thu May 04, 2006 8:43 am

anyone else having trouble with the player selection list?

There are players that don't come off the list, and others that I can't find on the list?

A few hours away from missing out on a bid because thier name doesn't show in the list.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Thu May 04, 2006 8:44 am

ap...thought maybe helton would be a sleeper too....

sknsfan...i was concerned about that too but we do get to have 33 players when we're done....im hoping that helps me.

hit clear list or update at the bottom....that should fix that.
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Postby pacoboy » Thu May 04, 2006 8:46 am


Tell Mr. Joe Gibbs to get a QB and beat those GIANTS !

.....as a Steelers fan in NY is hard listening to the GIANTS / JETS losers day in and day out.....nice when they get pummelled.

Anyway, to your query.....

Unwritten rule to auction newbies: "Never get married to a player or players or you will end up with a team that can't field a legit roster. Go w/ the flow."

To answer your question specificly......it's simple:

1 - Bid on Fill-in players (under $1mil guys) you need to have to get the legit TSN roster
2 - Remember you have 7 DEAD SPOTS you dont' need. (33 MAX bids less 1 stadium = 32 players you can draft......you only need 25.

.....not get all worried about it....just don't bid TOO much unless you want to price police.

With the $ spent on SP's this far I am SHOCKED Bueherle went that cheap....I was 1 minute late....hoping someone else would carry my tourch today.

If you plan it out on paper, you will see it will work for you.....but if you have tunnell visioion on a player or players then you will lose your mind WHEN that player goes down on the 24th hr each day while others comparable players fly by for half the price.
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Postby pacoboy » Thu May 04, 2006 8:48 am

I got pissed when I missed knocking down Buherle and Helton/Delgado took the wrath :o
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Postby Sknsfan » Thu May 04, 2006 9:00 am

I'm watching several levels of players, most of whom are already on the board.

I've already let a few slide off my list, just because they are too high, but I've got several replacements on my radar.

I'm just concerened that in a day or two I'll have filled in the extra slots with useless cheapies.
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Postby FoggyOne » Thu May 04, 2006 10:20 am

happy to take AROD and then loook for truffles elsewhere.....snort snort
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