2006 Beat the Boss Draft Thread

Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Thu May 04, 2006 12:10 pm

It should be whatever it was in the original rules, period.
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Postby cummings2 » Thu May 04, 2006 12:16 pm

I agree et, that's how I drafted in the bottom as well but the problem is that this is the original writeup:

[quote:0c7dd232bb]Here is the gist....Two teams are selected in a live draft. Here is the catch, the Yankee's cannot be selected and the two teams combined cannot exceed the Yankees payroll of $205,938,439. Pretty simple.
The rest of the rules are simple:
1. 10 players from each team must be on the 25 man roster.
2. The remainig teams players are selected in a 5 round live draft. Yankee players can be selected from this pool.
3. Players of the two teams selected are yours, the extras are in "AAA" and can be brought up at anytime. If you drop any of the 5 players that you drafted they are fair game and can be claimed by anyone.

[b:0c7dd232bb]We can figure out how to handle the live draft after we get participants[/b:0c7dd232bb]. We will also decide how much the penalty for dropping players will be and how much the salary cap will be. [/quote:0c7dd232bb]

If I thought I would be chipped from the first pick in the supplemental draft I would've picked Arizona and not Pittsburgh... :roll: but what can i do, my bad for [i:0c7dd232bb]assuming[/i:0c7dd232bb] this would be conducted as all others are...but afterall we never figured out "how to handle the live draft after we get participants"
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Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Thu May 04, 2006 12:28 pm

It should then be whatever the rules stated in the previous league of this type. That would be the fairest and unbiased way to go. As you can see, all those with low picks are in favor of a re-draw (and vice versa with the high picks and reverse order). There needs to be an impartial way to decide.

BTW, I have no idea what the rules in the previous version state.
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Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Thu May 04, 2006 12:32 pm

About ten posts ago, mikesblues said he would agree to reverse order. That would seem to tip the vote towards that, particularly since he is the commish and also the only one to vote against his own self-interest
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Postby DONALDYORK » Thu May 04, 2006 12:52 pm

You guys are right we never decided.....Heres the deal I'm on lunch right now....You guys tell me what you want to see happen, the most votes win, and I guess thats that. Its my fault I didn't get a vote going for this supplemental round earlier, I guess I just assumed also...sorry again. I promise I will be a better commish during the season, this is my first time running a league...sorry again.

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Postby DENNISTUMBERG » Thu May 04, 2006 1:01 pm

Since the vote will probably be tight either way and since this wasn't specified at the beginning, I would agree that we should do this the same as it has been done in the past. I don't know how that was either, but at least there would be some sort of precedence set. Who was in this league last year, or who has been in one before, and how was it handled?


-Sorry, I didn't see the post just before mine from Mike. I vote for the redraw, either last night (to get things started) or tonight.
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Postby cummings2 » Thu May 04, 2006 1:22 pm

So we need bunbury and BigAl to vote,

When we get this done and prior to starting the supplemental draft, I'd say it would be better to work out the other little details:

Salary Cap:

since we don't really need waivers FRENZY seems to be easier to settle.

Parks, once again, I assumed that your BP had to be one of the two franchises you picked, could we clarify on this?

Divisions, are we going to do the good old 1,4,7,10 - 2,5,8,11 - 3,6,9,12 allignement taking the initial draft results (Rd. 1)? Or are we doing it as geographically as possible according to choice of parks/franchises? -I've seen it done both ways so you guys tell me.

Cap: I guess 100 mil is better to allow us to actually use the "farm system"

Drops: I'd say 5/10/20.

Just getting this out there but still I think we should resolve one ting at a time and figure out how to conduct the supplemental draft first.

Thanks for chiming in Mike...no probs. no need to apologize, we're all cool here 8)
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Postby cummings2 » Thu May 04, 2006 1:26 pm

Bringing the vote to this page:

1. mikesblues -
2. Lumbercompanysouth -New Draw
3. BD Bruisers - New Draw
4. bobm1007 -New Draw
5. bunbury -
6. charliewb - New Draw
7. BigAlric -
8. Sacramento Yankees - Reverse Draft Order
9. JAMIE399 - Reverse Draft order or combined Salary
10. etdefender - Reverse Draft order
11. djl3737 - Reverse Draft order / New draw
12. Cummings2 - Reverse Draft order
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Postby lumbercompanysouth » Thu May 04, 2006 1:35 pm

Bringing the vote to this page:

1. mikesblues -
2. Lumbercompanysouth - Serpentine like every other serpentine draft I ever have been in was implied.
3. BD Bruisers - New Draw
4. bobm1007 -New Draw
5. bunbury -
6. charliewb - New Draw
7. BigAlric -
8. Sacramento Yankees - Reverse Draft Order
9. JAMIE399 - Reverse Draft order or combined Salary
10. etdefender - Reverse Draft order
11. djl3737 - Reverse Draft order / New draw
12. Cummings2 - Reverse Draft order

But if the masses want a new draft... I think that would be an acceptable alternative.
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Postby BigAlric » Thu May 04, 2006 1:53 pm

1. mikesblues -
2. Lumbercompanysouth - Serpentine like every other serpentine draft I ever have been in was implied.
3. BD Bruisers - New Draw
4. bobm1007 -New Draw
5. bunbury -
6. charliewb - New Draw
7. BigAlric - what lumber said!
8. Sacramento Yankees - Reverse Draft Order
9. JAMIE399 - Reverse Draft order or combined Salary
10. etdefender - Reverse Draft order
11. djl3737 - Reverse Draft order / New draw
12. Cummings2 - Reverse Draft order
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