by CHARLESBELL » Thu May 04, 2006 3:06 pm
I went back and looked at what old info I had from past BTB seasons (nothing about how we drafted the 5 FAs though and I don't remember). A couple of points, though, about maintaining the required number and type of players on the team. Trading in particular generated a lot of questions which I'll try to cover for discussion (and trading original team players was allowed in prior BTB seasons):
Player Requirements (Mike's rules)
25 player minimum
10 players from each team minimum (I think we called these franchise players)
5 players max drafted from undrafted teams only (Yankees, Rockies, Royals, Dodgers, Giants, Devil Rays) - in prior seasons we called these our "Allstars"
* All franchise players on the drafted teams are yours and cannot be acquired by another team by any means other than trade
* Players in the FA pool who belong to undrafted teams are fair game to be drafted as Allstars, but you can NEVER have more than 5 on your team at any time (this mean waivers, frenzy, preseason, etc) - this ensures that none of us horde extra undrafted players prior to the start of the season.
* The 10 franchise player minimum from each drafted team must be met at the time the season starts and maintained throughout the season, but during pre-season you don't have to maintain it as you move players around, trade, etc. (ie, no problem having 7 from one team and 13 from another as long as it gets fixed to 10/10 min by opening day, and stays fixed during the season).
* Allstars dropped into the FA pool become fair game for anyone else to grab. Only players from your original drafted teams are protected.
Trading specifics:
* If you trade a franchise player for another franchise player, the acquired player will be counted as a franchise player and will be assigned to one of the two teams.
* Allstars are always allstars, so if you trade a franchise player for an allstar, (1) the team gaining the allstar must count him as an allstar; (2) the team gaining the franchise player will count him as a franchise player and assign him to one of the two teams.
* IMPORTANT - Players that get assigned the franchise label as a result of a trade can be traded again using the same rules above. However, if an assigned franchise player is dropped, that player again becomes the property of his ORIGINAL team and again becomes a PROTECTED player by that team. Assigned franchise players as a result of trades revert back to the original team which owned them if you drop them to the FA pool.
An example:
Charlie - franchise teams A (10 players) and B (11 players), Allstars (5), 26 total players
Mike - franchise teams C (10) and D (10), allstars (5), 25 total players
Example #1: Charlie trades 2 franchise players and 1 allstar to Mike for 1 franchise player and 1 allstar. The allstars are one for one and both teams still have 5 after the trade so that works. Charlie gives up 2 B players, leaving him with 9, and so assigns the player received from Mike to team B to bring that number back up to 10. Mike gave up a C player and so assigns one player to C and elects to assign the other to D, giving him 10 C and 11 D at the end of the trade.
Example #2: Mike trades 2 allstars to Charlie for 1 allstar and 1 B franchise player. Charlie ends up with 10 each A/B players and 5 allstars, Mike ends up with 10 C and 11 D, and 4 allstars. How could this work? Charlie would have to drop one of his allstars before making this deal. You can probably work out the rest.
Example #3: ET trades a franchise player to Mike. Mike then later trades this player to Charlie. Charlie then later decides to drop the player. Once in the FA pool, the player reverts back to ET and ET again owns all rights to him.
If I've got this wrong holler. Either way I'm sure this is going to raise questions so fire away now before we start wheeling and dealing.