The Original USKL -- TSN Version 2011 (Chat Room)

Postby kaviksdad » Thu May 04, 2006 5:30 pm

And finally this:

[quote:bded07d66e]And you are correct FD -- I found this surfing the old threads:

With divisions, we decided that, after the first season, divisions will rotate according to record. The East will be the A league. Kind of the English Premiere League theory.

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Postby kaviksdad » Thu May 04, 2006 5:33 pm

So the highest points don't go into the same divions, and on down?

Sounds like this was the case on the original thread.

Personally I don't really give a rip, but would really appreciate consistancy here. I'm sure there's a few others who get a little bent out of shape (like me) being confused all the time.
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Postby AFDickie » Thu May 04, 2006 7:35 pm

I knew I wasn't going crazy!

And you are correct FD -- I found this surfing the old threads:

With divisions, we decided that, after the first season, divisions will rotate according to record. The East will be the A league. Kind of the English Premiere League theory.

Can we please get it right...tops in the East etc..

I know I'll be losing 100 ganes this season so I'm sure I'll slide into the West soon enough :(
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Except he reversed it at another time ...

Postby cirills » Thu May 04, 2006 8:00 pm

I personally don't care either but get frustrated at hearing others get frustrated at a system that wasn't "mine" to begin with.

Later on, FOWLDAWG said this:[quote:0fe45f49cd]fowldawg

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Report abuse Divisional Realignment Procedures 28 Apr 2006 19:25


West = A Division

The Division winner stays (no place "up" to go)
Middle two teams stay put
The bottom team in this division moves "down" to B

Central = B Division

The Division winner goes "up" to A
Middle two teams stay
Bottom team goes "down" to C

East = C Division

Division winner goes "up" to B
Middle two teams stay
Bottom teams stay as they con't move down any further

Goal: End up the Top division, stay out of the bottom division

Since we started with random division assignments the A division may not currently have the 4 best teams. Over time this is likely to occur.


So, I'll tell you what.

You guys decide which one you want. I started making picks based on the post above (since it provided me with a different division than I had before) so I won't be happy per say, but whatever. :roll:

What [b:0fe45f49cd]bends ME at of shape[/b:0fe45f49cd] is to get all this feedback the [b:0fe45f49cd]THIRD TIME[/b:0fe45f49cd] I post this. AF raised a question (the only one) after the SECOND time I posted this and that's when FD made the above post -- to which there were NO more responses.

THEN, Qk asks for the divisions, so I post it again and BAM. :roll:

What's the point of that. :cry:

PS And for what it's worth, after the original question to the divisions by FD, I posted a "revised" page (back on like 3 or 4) and have posted it the same 3 times since then. I don't know how much MORE "consistent" I could have been. :oops:
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Postby AFDickie » Thu May 04, 2006 8:15 pm


West = A Division

The Division winner stays (no place "up" to go)
Middle two teams stay put
The bottom team in this division moves "down" to B

Central = B Division

The Division winner goes "up" to A
Middle two teams stay
Bottom team goes "down" to C

East = C Division

Division winner goes "up" to B
Middle two teams stay
Bottom teams stay as they con't move down any further

I think he had it right but he messed up on the West being #1 it should have been the east(look at how it is written-West = A Division

The Division winner stays (no place "up" to go) ??? hello west could move up? East couldn't-I think he just switched the East and West-at LEAST THEN IT WOULD MAKE SENSE-RIGHT? THE EAST SHOULD BE THE TOP DIVISION NOT THE WEST FOR THIS FORMULA TO WORK.
Middle two teams stay put
The bottom team in this division moves "down" to B

I know it's crazy but if we are doing this for the long haul lets get it right-if not let's just hold a division lottery and then set the rules
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Postby cirills » Thu May 04, 2006 8:17 pm

I hear you, I just wish we "could have gotten it right" the first time it was posted -- 20 some odd pages ago and almost the whole draft ago. :roll: :cry:
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Postby AFDickie » Thu May 04, 2006 8:21 pm

He had it right but for some reason he put the west first?

Top league should have been




not West


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Postby cirills » Thu May 04, 2006 8:23 pm

Fine -- so what ARE the divisions AF?

I just got back from a 14 hour day at Churchill and I am brain dead with a headache a mile long. :cry:
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Postby kaviksdad » Thu May 04, 2006 8:30 pm

Sandy - I don't mean to keep coming in with this but I don't always have time to read every post on every thread for every league I'm in. I normally set up my spread sheet for each team I carry and post the original rules on the first tab. THATS what I use - and when changes occur and I don't catch them I ask questions. Sorry, but I guess I don't take this as seriously (as my record probably indicates :wink: ) as others do.

(Then again, sometimes its just fun to watch you expode! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
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Postby cirills » Thu May 04, 2006 8:33 pm

I wasn't meaning to "explode" KD, I just have a splitting headache and now I am seemingly frustrated as you are.

I just want someone else to be in charge of the divisional realignemet so everyone can be happy with it.

I just would have like to have known it earlier (which obviously I thought I had in the first place, no second place, no .... Argh!!!!!) :evil: :cry:

If it seems like I am taking this league TOO seriously, I apologize, but I really like the concept compared to the other leagues I do is why.
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