Trades are hard to make most times . Its not that Nev wasn't offering a fair deal but its more like what the other manager is trying to do . In the draft I got 6 of 10 pitchers . I don't have much "extra" money to play with . I'd rather have a 1B with a 1 and lower than 17e (exception -Chance). There's no one on the FA that can take Red's place at his price without injury or the D. I'm in Bennett also . Nev in FW 86 . If decent 2B were available [quote:0d40952236](there's not much on the wire at 2b at this time)
[/quote:0d40952236] I MAY be interested but I'm not .
I'd still trade you Hodges for Cooper or McCormick which would help you out also . :D