by MoCrash » Mon May 08, 2006 10:28 pm
1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - DC
3. Doctor_tax - TN
4. Fillies2 - GA
5. bunbury - TX
7. Stoney18 - NE
8. Ehlekev - ID
9. Frank M - NY
10. Cummings2 - WA
11. MoCrash - MO
Answer to previous trivia question: The leader of the Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek was John Brown.
TRIVIA Q: Following the disaster at Fredericksburg, the Union changed commanders and crossed the Rappahanock, getting a brief tactical advantage on Lee. However, the boastful Union commander lost his nerve, and then the battle. What was the name of the battle and who was the Union commander?
BTW, I don't believe the teams should be named "Yankees" or "Rebels." Way too confusing. I think using the state as the location should make it clear enough which side the team is fighting on.