My first shea team

Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:50 pm

[quote:5ea126ef34]Hitting is very thin in the FA wire ( lH pop rise), plus this is none DH rule, so meuer would be to costly to get him.. [/quote:5ea126ef34]

does that mean he is not there? And why would it be too costly? He would not have to DH...He is a good defensive catcher (2 (-1) e1)...however you do need a good back up, but he will put up MONSTER numbers in Shea, make no mistake about that! QKsilver swears by him, which is good enough for me...

I was only lucky enough to get him once so far, and was thrilled in shea...

combined with Piazza, they had 40 hrs and 145 rbis! not too shabby... :wink:
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:51 pm

I agree with JD, mohr is a waste here...
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Postby JOELKING » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:24 pm

Mtbell nice team, but 107 atbats for 5.+ for mauer?
ok, i get the idea here, mauer 5.13 + Piazza 2.45 gives 7.58, almost the same cost for a slugger, good point made. what about Martinez, V? or stick to this plan insead? i still dont draft until tomorrow, its the research the fun part of this :) Also, should i dump tracy? he does play 3b/1b/LF and does pretty well has platoom type player.

Agreed about the SS, just grab somone. that could play it :)

btw, i had very bad draft, one of the worse ones.
i swear i drafted 21 lefties. look what i ended up with :)
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Postby JOELKING » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:42 pm


You all gave some very sweet ideas, that I will differently explore on.

I personnal think my starters are fine, however i could still keep MB, and used him on the road, but insead maybe used haren in his spot?
RP, is another story, except for lidge, any thoughts about Mesa, or Yan? to conclude the pitching staff? hitting we do later, thats needs alot of work. :)
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:45 pm

[quote:6a349029f0]Mtbell nice team, but 107 atbats for 5.+ for mauer?

Not sure what you mean here....he had 451 ab's, hit 27 hrs, and knocked in 105 runs, ba of .333, 625 slugging and an obp of 393!....I would take that all day.... :wink:
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Postby JOELKING » Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:09 pm

me bad, i was looking at his real life stats, lol sorry about that, you are right, thoose are very good stats, and if the master of shea insists of using him, then you gotto really ignore the injuries and used him. ok talk me into to it there mtbell,

so this how it looks thus far, who is leaving.


are gone

hitters are staying, unless something comes up thats interesting.

tracy/ensberg or cuddyer ( they play 3b )

I like nefie perez, against lefties, but i guess maybe i see what else to do
the rest is serious makeover, not going to say who i will draft unless on pt, to many ppl check the boards of ideas. :)

there is some decent cheapies out there to cover some holes that i have like RF, LF I am planning to draft Mauer, and go with that great idea that some of you guys brought up, thanks guys a big thanks to mtbell JD, for your strong points as well, and course the rest of you, i guess now its time to think of the draft tomorrow. anyone want to help me through PT with it? would be really appericated and i give free ice cream :)
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Postby axemet » Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:57 pm

hey rage, Neifi put up ok numbers for me on my last Shea team :wink:
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Postby JdEarly » Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:29 am

I like the idea of Mauer's bat in any lineup in Shea Stadium, but I have never been able to stomach the idea of his injury rating on one of my teams - I would like to use him soon, but for some reason I keep getting attracted to J.T. Snow and Eric Chavez (both great in Shea) and with their high injury ratings, Mauer just wasn't a good idea for me. For you right now, though, I think he would be a really good catcher, especially if you can get a reasonably productive backup on the cheap, who hits both sides close to equally.

Mark Mulder... you could love him by the end of the season. I have had nothing but good results with him in Shea, so I have nothing but good things to say about the situation you have him in.

The arguments people made against Sean Casey and Juan Pierre for your team are not unfounded arguments, as there are better fits out there, but those two players are, by no means, going to be a dissappointment for you. If you can get Edmonds to replace Pierre, I say pull the trigger. If you can get Adam Dunn to play first base, absolutely do it. But if you can't get a serious, SERIOUS, upgrade in the power department, I wouldn't worry about moving either of those two guys. They will do just fine for you, especially if you surround them with other solid bats.

Brian Roberts could really stink it up for you at 2B. His defense will be solid, as it should be, but he hits righties much better than lefties - so when a lefty comes to town, he will already be at a disadvantage, before you even consider the fact that he'll be batting right handed in Shea Stadium. Now, I have seen teams make the playoffs starting Neifi Perez at second base - I guess that was the position this guy decided to skimp on offensively in favor of defense, and use the money elsewhere in his lineup. Hope that made sense.

Here's another idea - you have an unheard of amount of money left over heading into waivers. If I were you, I would place claims not neccessarily on the best fits for my team right now, but on the best players available. This way, you'll probably get some quality players that other people didn't have the cap room to get but still want, and you can start swinging deals for players who better fit the squad you're looking to put together. Vlad in Shea? He'd be decent for you, but he would be more valuable in the trade market before the season started.

Wow, I just rambled again. I'll let you run your team now!
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Postby JOELKING » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:15 am

JD, i wish Vlad was available, but you did just made a very good idea, get the best players and start swinging deals. it might backfile on me. but its worth a shot. thanks again. :)
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Postby JOELKING » Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:22 pm

I just got some major problems to decide on, would you keep casey or dump him for thome and used gload for left field? I still have alot question to ask, just waiting upon a trade offer. I keep you posted, when you have a chance please view the team again, and keep in mind its Not a DH batting.

thanks again.
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