by Mean Dean » Wed May 10, 2006 9:32 am
[quote:05fff26a1b]I read the manual back in '02 when I 1st got the CD-ROM. Not sure I have it now[/quote:05fff26a1b]The only clue in the help files as to what the "relief usage" setting does is this chart:
[code:1:05fff26a1b]RELIEF USAGE
To determine Using Relief settings divide Saves/Wins and refer to the chart below:
.000-.275 EXTRA CONSERV Pre-WWII, maximize cg's, no
.276-.350 CONSERVATIVE 1940's-1960's, many cg's, may use
.351-.450 NORMAL 1950's-1970's, balance cg's and
.451-.575 AGGRESSIVE 1960's-1990's, emphasize closer,
few cg's
.576 + VERY AGGRESS 1980's-1990's, heavy emphasis on
CG's refer to complete games.[/code:1:05fff26a1b]
If I had to guess based on that, I would guess that the setting applies only to the starter; it seems to be based on a (strange) understanding that either you throw a complete game or bring in the closer, and doesn't seem to be talking about middle relievers, IMO. But I honestly don't know.
Quick/slow hook is defined as:[quote:05fff26a1b]Quick/slow hook - A quick hook means you'll have less patience with this pitcher when he gets into trouble. A slow hook means you're willing to stick with him longer. Typically you might want to quick hook the lousy pitchers on your team and slow hook your ace.[/quote:05fff26a1b]