by Detroit-Tigers » Mon May 15, 2006 8:50 am
1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.
3. visick- Anytime after January. Keep in mind that it gets FREAKIN' HOT in Vegas in the summer, so if we are gonna play golf it should be Feb-May or Oct-Dec.
4. Cummings2 - My schedule is a mess to predict, as long as I have some time to plan ahead, pretty much all year long is fine with me
5. If Phoenix or Las Vegas - preferably sometime between Nov-early May(If Phx, 1st choice would be mid March because of Cactus League.) If it is between May and October - The preference would be Tahoe or Reno or some other Mountain Climate. Las Vegas and Phoenix are 100-115 all summer long(Mid May -Mid Oct). No outdoor fun in that kind of heat.
6. Detroit Tigers- TIme doesn;t matter, if I can make the place, I will try to. Toronto/Niagara Falls has better strip clubs :)