by Mean Dean » Tue May 16, 2006 8:50 pm
[quote:f981524d21]I'm looking at the chart now. A "1" in the infield is downgraded to a "2" when holding a runner OR when positioned in defensively (this includes corners in for 1B and 3B). For a "1", this can occur on rolls 1-4 (the down grade that is followed by a # symbol on this chart). [/quote:f981524d21]You're correct about the # and its meaning, but unless I'm mistaken (which is surely possible, but you'd have to show me the rule), incorrect about the decrease in range. The language I think you're looking at -- in between the "range section" and the "super-advanced holding runner chart" -- is talking about the # symbol, and never mentions a decrease in range.
As for the OF-1, I can explain the error, but honestly I can't explain the single. I should say that I don't think it's important that every result be traceable back to a board game roll. I think that would be extremely silly, really. It's not like the charts and dice represent some perfect simulation of the game of baseball that cannot be improved on. In fact, it's actually the opposite: that they represent a version of baseball that leaves out many aspects of the game that actually do happen, and that is not as realistic as it could be. For it to be otherwise, you, the human being playing the cards & dice game, would have to look through 12 charts in order to determine every play, which is impractical. The computer, however, can get more sophisticated, and should.