Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun May 21, 2006 2:09 am

Former LOTO TOUR Players from 05' - Be sure to be looking for your Invitations...This Years Tour will be a 48Team, 3 Round Elimination Invitational with 3 Different Caps and 3 Different ADD/DROP Caphit Features.

More Info will be posted on this thread sometime this week...

Looking forward to playing everyone again. :D :wink:


Robert(aka Swpsychic/aka the Commish)
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue May 23, 2006 2:20 pm

Basically a 3 round Elimination Tournament - 48 Players(Invitees)


1st Round will be 4 - 12 team leagues (A, B, C, D) - beginning with the A League and using the Ratings system (Overall) Each invitee(Who accepts) will have their overall rating next to their name the day the 48th spot is filled.

The highest rated player will be in league A the 2nd highest in league B the 3rd in league C and the 4th in League D - The 5th in League A etc. until all 4 Leagues are assigned.

It doesn't matter what division, so each league can be filled at your leisure... The Ratings have absolutely nothing to do with any personal preference, but are just intended to distribute experience as evenly as possible without offending anybody, creating at least a semblance of balance across the 4 leagues. (For example, we wouldn't want the top 12 rated in 1 league and the bottom 12 in another in the 1st round.) 1st Round League Placement is not open to dispute.

The 2nd round will take the 6 best records(Using the usual tiebreakers if necessary)from League A and B to form the 1st 12 team League in the 2nd round. The 2nd 12 team league will be comprised of the 6 best records from Leagues C and D.

The 3rd Round(Finals Round) will be comprised of the 6 best records from each league in round 2.

The winner of Round 3 is the 06' LOTO CHAMPION.

The simple Rules:

All 3 Rounds are Simple Autodrafts...But with simple Ballpark and Cap Rule Differences. All 3 Rounds will use the DH, all 3 Rounds will have weighted waivers.

1st Round: 80M CAP, DH, Weighted Waivers, ANY Ballpark you want to play in. So Multiple BP's are acceptable. 10% Caphit on Add/Drop.

2nd Round: 100M CAP, DH, Weighted Waivers, Lottery for Ballparks, Unique Stadiums.(No 2 of the same ballpark allowed.) Standard 20% Caphit on Add/Drop.

3rd Round: 60M CAP, DH, Weighted Waivers, Unique Stadiums - In order of win pct. (Best to Last - So it pays to play hard and win. Stadium Choice in the Finals Round is a big deal - especially with the lower Cap.) Progressive Caphit (Like in BT 80's) 5%/10%/20%.

1 Last Rule: No Player may use the same Ballpark more than 1 Time. Anyone in the Finals League will have had to use 3 different Ballparks.

Those are the rules for 2006 LOTO...

I have designed this years Tour to be the most difficult as well as the most fair to everyone...It is simpler than last year, but requires a broad knowledge of the players and the flexibility and adaptability to win in 3 different Cap Structures...Once again, all in the simplicity of Autodrafts.

I hope everyone is up for this year's challenge...And I look forward to facing off with friends old and new...

The next post will list the 1st 48 invitees. i don't expect to fill all 48 invitations and am open to suggestions from other members of the LOTO FAMILY as to who the alternates should be.

If anyone who has ever played LOTO in the past is somehow mistakenly not on the list, please remind me and I will alter it. The 1st 24+ invitees are automatic bids. (Everyone who played in the 05' Tour is invited, along with Kire, Riggo and Luckyman - who also played LOTO with the 03' set the previous year.)

Invitees will be listed in the next post.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue May 23, 2006 3:00 pm


1. Anyone who has ever played in a LOTO League Prior to and including last years Tournament. So all 24 players from the 05' Tour and others who played the year before(Kire, Luckyman, Riggodrill etc.)

2. Anyone who has played in ANY LOTO LEAGUES after the 05' Tour - OR anyone who has played in LOTO Leagues This year already.

3. Players I have played with and have established good relationships with from other Leagues...OR

4. Players who I have never played with who come highly recommended by other members of the established LOTO FAMILY.

5. Players I may never have played with, but have very good rappoire with from Message Board Interaction or in general, just have very good reputations.

The only way to truly be excluded from LOTO is to have a bad reputation with ANY of the established Players. Ie. If you cannot get along in a competitive situation without being flat out offensive to other members(Trash Talk is definitely welcome) you just don't get invited.

I think everyone here knows the difference between good and bad taste.

Otherwise, I look forward to growing the LOTO Family every year.

Questions, Comments and Suggestions are most welcome...


1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic)
2. Edgecitytx
3. Kaviksdad
4. Jeepdriver
5. Sandlotshrink
6. Bigmahon
7. CATom
8. Etdefender
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399
14. ArrylT
15. Cubs48
16. J-PAV
17. Dneedle1
18. Penngray
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit
22. Pacoboy(AP)
23. Cristano1
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh
26. Kire
27. Riggodrill
28. MarcusWilby(Luckyman)
29. Tyber
30. Cummings2
31. Stoney
32. gjtjeff
33. Jerlins
34. JD Early
35. charliewb
37. jaydingess
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bob1007
40. abnerdoubleday
41. durantjerry
42. Kaina
43. JoeTheJet
44. DrCPA
45. Pinhead87
46. Spicki17
47. Giddyup81
48. Pinhead87

Those are the 1st 48 Invitees...If all 48 Invitees accept their invitations, this will be the field. I have played with all 48 of these players and enjoyed both their cameraderie as well as their ultra competitive spirit.

My own other suggestions for the Alternates List.

49. Coffeeholic
50. glennglenn
51. B.O.B.B.Y.
52. Great Unwashed
53. HackWilson
54. Bubbahotep
55. MAV1
56. edbazo
57. Altec1969
58. EhleKev(suggested by CATom)

Other Suggestions by LOTO Members:

If your name is on the 1st 48 Player list, you are invited to play in the 2006 LOTO Tournament...Use the list and if you are going to accept and play, list your OVERALL RATING(In parenthesis, please) next to your name as a means of your accepting and commitment to compete. (At least in the 1st Round)

If you are not going to accept and play, say so and leave the space after your name blank.

But please use this form as a means of A. Accepting or B. Decllining...

Thank You everyone for your patience...If I have inordinately left someone's name off the list who has played LOTO in the past, please accept my apology and leave a message here on this thread.

It is quite a bit to coordinate and my schedule this year is much busier than in the past.

Thank You again and I look forward to this year's Tour as being the most competitive ever. :D :wink:

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

OOPS! Looks Like Pin got 2 Invitations...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue May 23, 2006 3:09 pm

Duh, so unless I can play with my split personality as invitee #1 as Robvoz and #48 as Swpsychic, Coffeeholic will move to the 48th invitee spot.

Sorry about that. This is my 1st real day off in about 3 weeks. :roll:

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue May 23, 2006 3:24 pm

Bump...Have to leave for awhile...Check back after 6PM MST.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Jerlins » Tue May 23, 2006 4:52 pm

1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic)
2. Edgecitytx
3. Kaviksdad
4. Jeepdriver
5. Sandlotshrink
6. Bigmahon
7. CATom
8. Etdefender
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399
14. ArrylT
15. Cubs48
16. J-PAV
17. Dneedle1
18. Penngray
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit
22. Pacoboy(AP)
23. Cristano1
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh
26. Kire
27. Riggodrill
28. MarcusWilby(Luckyman)
29. Tyber
30. Cummings2
31. Stoney
32. gjtjeff
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb
37. jaydingess
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bob1007
40. abnerdoubleday
41. durantjerry
42. Kaina
43. JoeTheJet
44. DrCPA
45. Pinhead87
46. Spicki17
47. Giddyup81
48. Pinhead87

I'll be first I guess, if this is how its done.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby cirills » Tue May 23, 2006 6:47 pm

1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic)
2. Edgecitytx
3. Kaviksdad
4. Jeepdriver
5. Sandlotshrink (1527)
6. Bigmahon
7. CATom
8. Etdefender
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399
14. ArrylT
15. Cubs48
16. J-PAV
17. Dneedle1
18. Penngray
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit
22. Pacoboy(AP)
23. Cristano1
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh
26. Kire
27. Riggodrill
28. MarcusWilby(Luckyman)
29. Tyber
30. Cummings2
31. Stoney
32. gjtjeff
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb
37. jaydingess
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bob1007
40. abnerdoubleday
41. durantjerry
42. Kaina
43. JoeTheJet
44. DrCPA
45. Pinhead87
46. Spicki17
47. Giddyup81
48. Pinhead87

Looks great Robert. Looking forward to it! :D
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Stoney18 » Tue May 23, 2006 6:50 pm

1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic)
2. Edgecitytx
3. Kaviksdad
4. Jeepdriver
5. Sandlotshrink (1527)
6. Bigmahon
7. CATom
8. Etdefender
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399
14. ArrylT
15. Cubs48
16. J-PAV
17. Dneedle1
18. Penngray
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit
22. Pacoboy(AP)
23. Cristano1
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh
26. Kire
27. Riggodrill
28. MarcusWilby(Luckyman)
29. Tyber
30. Cummings2
31. Stoney --- 526
32. gjtjeff
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb
37. jaydingess
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bob1007
40. abnerdoubleday
41. durantjerry
42. Kaina
43. JoeTheJet
44. DrCPA
45. Pinhead87
46. Spicki17
47. Giddyup81
48. Pinhead87
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby maligned » Tue May 23, 2006 7:30 pm

Hey, robert, if you don't fill up, I'd possibly be interested in playing. I played your LOTO Conso. league last year as a followup to vets vs. rooks when you didn't have enough players for the league. Not trying to invite myself...just saying I'd possibly be available if you end up looking for players to fill the 48...:)
Posts: 55
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Postby JAMIEDEMILLE » Tue May 23, 2006 7:40 pm

1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic)
2. Edgecitytx
3. Kaviksdad
4. Jeepdriver
5. Sandlotshrink (1527)
6. Bigmahon
7. CATom
8. Etdefender
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399 (3117)
14. ArrylT
15. Cubs48
16. J-PAV
17. Dneedle1
18. Penngray
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit
22. Pacoboy(AP)
23. Cristano1
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh
26. Kire
27. Riggodrill
28. MarcusWilby(Luckyman)
29. Tyber
30. Cummings2
31. Stoney --- 526
32. gjtjeff
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb
37. jaydingess
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bob1007
40. abnerdoubleday
41. durantjerry
42. Kaina
43. JoeTheJet
44. DrCPA
45. Pinhead87
46. Spicki17
47. Giddyup81
48. Pinhead87
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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