So, with no fill on Saturday night, I am now out of any frenzy until Friday night, due to work. I don't want to hold the league up if everyone is psyched to frenzy Sunday night, but on the other hand, I would prefer not to miss it myself. 3 choices, as I see it:
#1. Fill today, you guys frenzy, and I have to hope I did real good on my draft card. :shock:
#2. Delay filling the league until Friday, for a Friday night frenzy.
#3. Fill today (Sunday), but hold off on the midnight frenzy, all rosters are frozen, and schedule a Mon or Tue frenzy, probably early evening (?), as long as everyone can participate in it. This option has worked before in the past, IF you can agree on a time that everyone will be in front of their computers, in order to participate.
In the meantime, I am pulling my team out, as I don't want it to fill until everyone has weighed in with their opinions. If option #1 is considered the best by the majority, I will put my team back in sometime today.