[quote:f5aa9b74de="Jeepdriver"]Riggo - can you edit the thread's title to show we are drafting, rather than the current "pick lottery states"? Thanks. :)[/quote:f5aa9b74de]
Nice catch Jeep. That looked kinda dopey. :oops: :mrgreen:
[b:e962a14d9c]Andy[/b:e962a14d9c], are you willing to accept my offer of Pujols for your next pick?
Also, [b:e962a14d9c]RS [/b:e962a14d9c]I'll take a closer look at your offer. I was planning on building a 5-man rotation, but I could switch things up if Assmeriten rejects the offer I made to him.
anyone know where the heck we were in the draft when the site crashed. I think it was round 11?
Riggo did you get to trade Pujols before the site went down?
Just saw your post. I had sent you the same offer of pick 134(I think) for Pujols. That would also mean I would have had to change a proxie if trade went through.
[b:28821a1072]RS[/b:28821a1072], I think Andy is going to turn me down. If that's the case, I'll accept the offer you made via Private Message. Put the offer out on site (when we get draft back online), so we can get the deal done. thanks, riggo
Do we have a plan if the site doesn't come back up soon? I bought a team and have been picking up my players as I get them in the draft so I know who I got. Hopefully, the site will come back up but if Doug isn't providing any support I'm not sure who's going to fix it.
We could move to the site bernie was testing. It's not as good as penn's because you can't see the cards. And that makes a big difference. One thing I liked about it was that the administrator could skip a person without the two hour wait. For example, if I set proxies and notified the league that when it gets to me and a proxy doesn't fire right away giddyup should skip me because I'm out of them.