by MARCPELLETIER » Tue May 30, 2006 11:37 pm
I couldn't help but notice you're hanging on to a one game lead in a division consisting of two players with a combined 23 games of total SOM experience and one regular player with a lifetime winning pct of .477. Not saying they haven't or couldn't have found the groove in '06, but you have to admit that that has to be a little frustrating to you.[/quote:1ca1278cb8]
I don't think this comment is fair for what unesid (coaching the Pure Excellence) has accomplished. Indeed, if more people coach like unesid did this season, I think we would see better records.
For this first season, I went with the most extreme stadium, Minute Maid. I went for a line-up full right-handed teams, and when I observed no movement among my divisional opponents towards getting strong rhp pitchers, I sticked with this loaded line-up. I also observed two teams in my division, including unesid's team, going with more than 6 right-handed hitters. So I went nuts with 8R-9R pitchers as well, matching perfectly my stadium.
"This season will be an easy one" I exclaimed myself.
Through a series of trades, unesid got a more balanced line-up, 5 left-handed hitters and 4 right-handed hitters, screwing a bit my pitching strategy. A few trades later, and there he was with 7 [i:1ca1278cb8]left-handed [/i:1ca1278cb8]hitters.
"Wow, I said, I'm getting screwed here".
Soon I strated to change a bit the configuration of my pitching staff.
And then, just before we started off the last divisional stretch, unesid fires two of his starting pitchers to get extreme right-handed pitchers---this time completely screwing my offense. Yes, this move costs him 1 or 2 millions, but the benefits go well beyond that considering the set-up of my own team.
It is no wonder that unesid dominated my team in this season, with a 13-8 record vs my team.
This explains largely how unesid has successfully stayed with my team at the top of our division.
I am still holding a small lead (thanks for the advantages of having an extreme stadium), but I can tell you that I am praying all the gods I know for not facing unesid in the playoffs.
Unesid has indeed outcoached me.