How Much is too Much

How Much is too Much

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:37 pm

This team is before waivers and I pick 3rd or 4th.

My thinking is this:
Dropping Helton---Picking up Perez/Kostay
Dropping V. Wells----Picking up Andruw Jones
Dropping M. Murton----Picking up J. Bay
Dropping Crosby----Picking up Vizquel

Dropping Leiber/Perez/Hudson-----Picking up Small/Washburn/Lidle

Of course depending on others too, but this was my plan.

Now I will have a powerhouse hitting wise, and dreadful pitching, will this win?????

Playing at Coors and have Coors/Kaufman/Metrodome in my Div.
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:51 pm

With all the righty bats that you would like to get, you are gonna be too right handed.

I don't like Helton's card this season.

Other 1B options that are cheaper and lefty:
Sweeney (with a platoon)

If you are gonna face 6 or more LHSP's in your division, you should keep Wells. If not, grab Jones if you can.
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Postby geekor » Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:47 pm

who would you drop Helton for Kotsay then Wells for A Jones? Why not just Helton for A Jones? Waste of a waiver pick?

I'd much rather see you pick up Tejeda, Floyd, Overbay
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:01 pm

I have (as of now) only 6 Lhsp in my division, and they are Mulder/Johnson/Zito/D. Williams/ Sabathia/ Redman.

of these, only one is hard Righty Williams he is 5R, the others are either hard lefty or just 1R.

Other than my division (Coors,Coors,Metrodome,Kauffman)
There are 3 Minute Maid
2 Petco
Camden, Fenway, and RFK.

Most of these parks are pretty Right hand friendly.

Also, you don't like the Perez/Klesko platoon at 1st ???? (other than Def)
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Post Waivers

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:39 pm

This is what I ended up with,

Didn't get J.Bay, but dropped Murton for Floyd.

Everything else worked out.

Had some extra cash so I kind of re-vamped my very poor pitching staff.

God Help me.

How would you set the line ups vs rhp and lhp??????
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:43 pm

While you've got some great sluggers on this team, you have NO table setters for them.

I see alot of 1 run HR's with this team.

You need guys to get on base in front of the big bats.
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:57 am

If Sweeney is available, I would get him. I'd try and get Craig Wilson for a DH when Thomas gets hurt (he will. alot). Wilson had a plus .400 OBP for me in Coors. Or Casey Blake.

Is Mauer available for C? How about Giles for 2B? These are all guys who did very well for me in Coors.
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Postby geekor » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:10 am

well I don't like Harang, would rather see Chacin or K Rogers out there.

also, to get a leadoff hitter, you could replace Thomas with the Garabito/E Young platoon, which has worked really well for me 3 times already ;)
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I see your point but.....

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:39 pm

Table setters, we are used to the Grabito/Youngs and others for getting on base for our big bats, but I don't see the point of that completely.

Most of the guys in my lineup have above .350 obp, and while they do have a lot of homeruns on their cards, they aren't all home runs.
So they do get on base a fair amount of times.

Wouldn't a single by Chipper Jones be just as good as a single by someone else?

Yes there will be quite a few solo shots, but that is still a run.
Would it really matter if I had back to back homers or a single and homer????? still 2 runs.

I understand the logic stated above, but 7 guys that can homer or 3 guys that can homer and 4 guys that get on base doesn't seem to make much difference.

Can't hit into double or Triple plays if there is never anyone on base. (I know that is a stretch in thinking).

Being from St. Louis, I understand the logic of Tablesetters.
Eckstein .330 leading off
Rodriquez,Luna,Miles (or whoever else) all batting around .300 or more

And Pujols........

Thus setting the table for his 65 rbi's.

But I think we get so caught up in traditional thinking in Strat that Maybe a different way could work as well.

I could be way wrong and lose 115 games.

I guess we will see.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:45 pm

This is my team at this time,

Wondering the thinking on line-up. Right now I have:

vs rhp

C. Jones
A. Jones
C. Floyd


C. Jones
A. Jones

Opinions would be appreciated
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