by BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:39 pm
Table setters, we are used to the Grabito/Youngs and others for getting on base for our big bats, but I don't see the point of that completely.
Most of the guys in my lineup have above .350 obp, and while they do have a lot of homeruns on their cards, they aren't all home runs.
So they do get on base a fair amount of times.
Wouldn't a single by Chipper Jones be just as good as a single by someone else?
Yes there will be quite a few solo shots, but that is still a run.
Would it really matter if I had back to back homers or a single and homer????? still 2 runs.
I understand the logic stated above, but 7 guys that can homer or 3 guys that can homer and 4 guys that get on base doesn't seem to make much difference.
Can't hit into double or Triple plays if there is never anyone on base. (I know that is a stretch in thinking).
Being from St. Louis, I understand the logic of Tablesetters.
Eckstein .330 leading off
Rodriquez,Luna,Miles (or whoever else) all batting around .300 or more
And Pujols........
Thus setting the table for his 65 rbi's.
But I think we get so caught up in traditional thinking in Strat that Maybe a different way could work as well.
I could be way wrong and lose 115 games.
I guess we will see.