Ball State Germaniacs 60 Million Challenge

Postby Munich_Man » Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:27 pm

Round 8—Pina, I knew that was coming, just didn’t know when. Can’t argue with his performance, although I’m not a big fan of heavily unbalanced pitchers. I know Charlie has a hard-on for Mr. Pina, though.

Round 9—OK, time to get some serious pitching here. I think with a strong enough staff, we will have enough to get the offense to back it up. Then again, there is CF to worry about. Speaker is out there, but Stanley is as well, and perhaps the extra $$ we get with Stanley could be used somewhere else, you certainly can’t argue with Stanley’s D, and he has been quite effective for me in the past. Hmmm… Dawson could be a nice compromise, that would give us enough $$ to still afford Cooper at 1B and the dawson/cooper combo is great.. Nope, gotta go with the pitching and the best one out there is Mr. Adams. Adams it is. Maybe I should have taken Speaker… I don’t know, maybe Charlie will grab him or Dawson…

Round 10— SPEAKER! He did it! Now we have Adams AND Speaker, which is nice. Loving our OF, though I would have been happy with Dawson, or even Stanley there as well. Getting worried about 2B, though, as well as SS. Need to fill those gaps, not much to choose from.

Round 11—Gotta get some middle IF. I’m thinking SS, I know Charlie isn’t worried about errors as much as I am, so Bush looks attractive. Still has the 1 range, and he is probably the best Offensive SS out there for the $$. Fernandez is OK, but Bush will actually hit better. Davey is also an option… I’m thinking Bush will make Charlie happier than any other SS on the market, so that’s the way to go. Hope I’m right. Maybe I should have gone with a 2B…

Round 12—Merkle. Nice pick, we do need a 1B and he is great for the $$. Wish he would have taken an 2B, though. Don’t want that responsibility. I’m really liking our team speed and defense, which are both MunichMan/gkhd11a trademarks…

Round 13—OK, now what to do? Do I pick a 2B? But which one? Hmmm… I’m thinking we need to complete our pitching staff, so we can see how much $$ we have left, but do I take an RP here? I know Charlie likes Giusti, and for the $$ he’s a great choice, but I’ve found Miller performs even better. Hoping they will both be around. Depending on how our next picks go, we will have enough $$ to take one of them to give us a nice $60 mil pen of Mcenaney/Pina/???. Still need another starter, though. Hmmm… I think Charlie is going to question this next pick, but according to my historicals, Cecerelli is the 6th best non* SP, just after Lanier. And that for 2.88mil. Gotta go with him here, I hope he pans out, if not, he could be the mistake of our draft. That should give us enough dough for a Giusti/Miller in the pen and enough $$ to get a decent 2B. I wonder if Charlie will pick a park next? Might want to secure Forbes or Griffith…
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Postby Munich_Man » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:31 am

So Charlie, how are we going to handle the managment? Lineups, pitching, settings, etc.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby gkhd11a » Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:50 pm

I will make my suggestions to the lineups on your card, if you like switch to what you think and then I may change something back.
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Postby Munich_Man » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:41 pm

My thoughts on being behind the beer garden curtain:

Round 1: Meusel was unexpected and only way to get him, I think he or Wagner are probably the best 60MM players wow was I happy great Birthday Present!
Round 2 - I knew Rick would not like this pick he never takes him but I wanted Speer to leave pitching options open. With him you have so many possibilities he can also work as lefty setup man if that's what you want.

Round 3 Clemente Happy about that pick - now I know Rick is counting on me to pick up Geronimo but I was already thinking Speaker with Wagner gone, you need one really good hitter to give at least one run a game.

Round 4 I decide to continue to attack the bullpen. Didn't take Worrell because I was already committed to taking Pina and Worrell demands both closer roles and MCEnaney has been very good in 60 million leagues.
I am hoping at this point that Rick just continues to pick the fielder and leave the pitching to me but no..... here comes another chef into the kitchen with a case of beer

Round 5/6 Eddie Rommell - well grab a pot were making a pitchers brew!!!
Well I'm liking the cheap side of our pitching now I'm thinking if I don't grab Pendleton now he'll be gone so I take him in round 6.

Round 7/8 Dean well he is decent I like Seaver Dean is hot and cold as is Seaver, I was actually hoping to go up the ladder some but Dean is OK, knew a MM favorite would have to get in here soon.

Well I want Horacia Pina so I grab him. He has saved 26 & 23 in 60MM for me so I am going to take him, I knew Rick would hate this but I think he'll help

Round 9/10 - Babe Adams now this really surprised me - I have never played an expensive non 3 day starter in a 60 million league since I am not sure there is enough money for it I really thought Munich Man was going to take Speaker and then I would have taken Seaver.... I wondered if Rick was thinking the same as me now and was actually afraid he'd take Stanley and then we'd have no top hitters when my turn came up I thought for 2 seconds before Rick spends the rest of our money on beer and another extreme pitching experiment and take Speaker. Really having fun with the draft at this point. I was happy to see Rick was thinking the same as I so Now I am hoping Rick will take Doran for 2B and I was going to take Merkle and the team speed would be very good all around.

Round 11/12 Donnie Bush - I fell over in my chair at work and looked up the weather in Munich. I figured lighting must be striking him dead for taking a 62 error SS. -- Of course I could care less about errors so I am happy now I like the top of our batting order Meuseul will get to bat 2/3/4 instead of leadoff and we have a real leadoff hitter! In round 12 I take Merkle so we can have more speed before Rick grabs Grim.

Round 13 Cecerelli? Who the H*ll is Cecerelli? Is he related to Fonzerelli? I wish they'd turn those Happy Days reruns off in Germany ... Damn he has more BP home runs on his card than Babe Ruth. Well then I look some more and in a hitters park his card looks darn good. Ok I'm thinking after reviewing for like 4 hours this is a crafty little pick, it looks like we got some lefties hitting against us and maybe this will work out.. heck Babe used to pitch too!

Round 14 - Well we won't have much room for a catcher don't want to burden Rick with Dempsey so I grab Lake think a lefty right 50 cent platoon will still get us a good starter. Thought about Doran but figured Lake would be gone before next round...

Round 15 - Bob Miller - the only pick in the entire draft I don't like at all 2 million for relief is too much for a bum... I feel and Bob Miller is the death of all pitchers for me I forsee 15 losses by him.....Hoping Rick shows me why his win % is so much better than mine with this pick but I would rather have Conroy here I think
Round 16 - I take PJ's pick to be most likely to win a league Championship(see Yount thread). Pena can't hit a lick unless there are 2 outs and a runner on 2nd or 3rd but that's ok.... he'll have to do.

Bobby Doeer - mmm never even considered him, good defensively and we missed on all the other cheap 2nd baseman so he should be OK... I was hoping for Doran. I had thought Rick might want Whitaker or Gilliam and left this postion open for him to take, his second base picks frequently are the keys to his team so I wanted him to decide what look best at this key position and trust his judgement. This is why I left the money for him to spend so I then grabbed Lunte another no hit guy to come in the 8th and 9th to save Bush from himself.

The nice thing about 60 million leagues is that you get to use players you wouldn't even think about otherwise.

I proposed the following batting lineups:
Lineup vs. LHP
1. Speaker, Tris (L) CF
2. Bush, Donie (S) SS
3. Clemente, Roberto (R) RF
4. Meusel, Bob (R) LF
5. Merkle, Fred (R) 1B
6. Pendleton, Terry (S) 3B
7. Doerr, Bobby (R) 2B
8. Lake, Steve (R) C
9. Pitcher P

Lineup vs. RHP
1. Meusel, Bob (R) LF
2. Bush, Donie (S) SS
3. Speaker, Tris (L) CF
4. Clemente, Roberto (R) RF
5. Merkle, Fred (R) 1B
6. Doerr, Bobby (R) 2B
7. Pendleton, Terry (S) 3B
8. Pena, Tony (R) C
9. Pitcher P


obviously after thinking about it I still like Meusel leading off some as Bush can force the issue 2nd by H&R or bunting. We will need Mr Merkle to have a big RBI season for us to do well so thinking top of the order may help. Hope we can avoid the injury bug! Work in progress.
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:59 am

Nice wrap up guys!

My barnstormer's 60m draft is eerily following your thoughts:


Please release me from your mind control and I'll commence with doing things my way... :wink:
PJ Axelsson
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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