by visick » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:30 am
A little PSA (Public Service Announcement) for ya...
Generally in the leagues that splinter, Frank M and I have been in, trash talking/banter will go on throughout the season.
More so when splinter's team is doing well.
So, if the talking/bitching/banter/whining bothers you or you are easily offended, I or we apologize in advance.
Usually shrapnel can hit you although you were not the intended target.
You might draw some fire as well, during the heated exchanges...
For example (someone drawing fire as an innocent civilian...)
Scott aka. Hershey Chocolates, was in this league last season. I use the term "in this league" but with a 64-98 record, he really wasn't ever in the league.
Scott, you are a bit bloodied from that exchange. Should I call a doctor for you?