Blue Vs Red Party League - Blue Party Congrats

Postby CATom » Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:04 pm


NEED ONE MORE "RED" team to get this started !!!!!

Just one more guys, then we (again) get to destroy liberals

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Postby CHARLESBELL » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:47 am

[quote:2a019932d5="MoCrash"] However, I suggest -- if such is not already the case -- that trades be allowed prior to waivers between Red and Blue teams in order to correct discrepancies in player eligibility/assignment. [/quote:2a019932d5]

Mocrash, would like a few more to weigh in on that one. Right now the rules state that no trades between parties can occur until after waivers, and that before teams can trade between parties (and by the end of the waivers day), they must have a "pure" roster (one with no players from the other party). I had in mind that teams would drop/replace other party players that still remained after waivers before trading with the other party. This would help ensure that there is at least one point before the season starts that teams have "pure" rosters in the spirit of the theme. It would also give all the other party teams at least the opportunity to acquire dropped players that belong in their pool.

Your suggestion would allow trading to occur before waivers, and I assume that any trade would have to include at least one player that is with the wrong party. I'm not against this, and it would facilitate teams getting their rosters straight. But I would still insist that rosters be "pure" at some point. I think I would have to move the start of cross party trading that is not just to clean up rosters to one day AFTER waivers to ensure that everyone is starting with a "pure" roster. At no point should any team be allowed to keep an ineligible player picked up in the draft or during waivers.

I will also clarify that trading is the ONLY way for a team to acquire players from the other parties pool. At no time can a red team, for example, get a blue player from the FA pool. A blue team would have to acquire that player and then trade him to the red team. I'll make a rules note on this since I realized I didn't state that clearly.
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Postby MoCrash » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:14 pm

My suggestion is for pre-waiver trading to facilitate the creation of "pure" rosters. In fact, it seems to me that to be within the spirit of this theme that rosters should be "pure" on opening day. I guess I missed it, but I was under the impression that trades between Red and Blue teams were not allowed in order the preserve the theme. If a Red player were allowed on a Blue team, or vice versa, then why the limitation on signing neutral FAs, such as the Latino players which are not on either party's approved list?
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:56 am

My experience (mostly in playing in other folks theme leagues as I haven't started that many) is that you want to remain as close to your theme as possible while still allowing for some balance and activity. Allowing cross party trading, after pure rosters have been established, promotes activity between owners and provides some roster flexibility to create competitive teams. Allowing it to occur after waivers instead of at the start of the season allows the tweaking to occur while teams still have access to their FA player pools without worrying about the 20% hit. It makes the trading easier to do. Also, If I allowed players not in the original player pools to become eligible, I for one would feel that we've strayed too far from the theme. The end result would be player dumping to get the quality non-pool players and we might as well have had a straight autodraft league. The draft would be a joke, as I think many owners would want to position themselves for high waiver picks to get their hands on a Santana, Ichiro, or Pujols. The fun in this league for me is the uniqueness of the player pools which forces the use of players we would not normally ever use. No cookie cutter teams here, so you have to think harder about what you're doing.
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Postby DOUGGRAY » Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:19 pm

um.....When I signed up there wasnt so many damn crazy confusing rules. Leave it to the conservatives to BS and confuse everyone so that they even have a remote chances of beating us.

I have little or no time to follow such a format and Im not about to figure out who I can draft :roll:
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Postby MoCrash » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:00 pm

I agree, Charlie. My thought is in keeping as close to the theme as possible. My question about Latino players was rhetorical. As I understood the league's concept, there could be unrestricted trading between teams of the same Red/Blue party, but not between parties. My suggestion to allow interparty trading prior to waivers was in order to preserve the "purity" of the league, restricted only to trading a Red auto-drafted onto a Blue team and vice versa, not to complicate matters. This is a more rational approach to it than merely dumping during or post-waivers, allowing teams to seek balance on their own. If the trades couldn't be made, then those players would have to be released on or after waivers, anyway, but this would lessen those numbers.
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:10 pm

We're saying the same thing, mocrash (you mean penngray is RIGHT? Gads.)

I'll make sure it's clear who can be drafted, penn. :)

Let's just get that 12th owner!
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Postby Lucey01606 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:12 am

Penngray, your website is fantastic!
is it possible to create 2 drafts with the specific color player pool and do a live draft that way? That might make it easier for making teams, and preventing assignements of players from the wrong pool during an auto draft. I agree with the noition if origianl pool until waivers are over, but I like the idea of trading before the season starts.
We need to clarify the non US player pool, are they ineligible all season or until the start of the season or after waivers? I am guessing that the Hispanic pool is pretty talented, teams can become good real fast if they time it right.
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:18 am

Scoobysnacks, non-original pool players will remain ineligible the entire season. Santana, Pujols, et al, will be barnstorming in Japan this season. 8)

I'm ok with making trades between parties before waivers as long as the purpose is to get to a pure roster (which means at least one player in that trade should be a blue players moving from a red team to blue or a red player moving from a blue team to red).

If parties want additional controls over trades between parties then we can make internal rules for that if desired (or not).
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League has FILLED!

Postby CHARLESBELL » Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:35 pm

We now have a full League! It's been three weeks since the first announcement so please everyone check in here.

Rules, player pools, stadiums, etc are all posted here. The player pools may take some time to digest, but we need a concensus on when we want the league to go live.

Murphy's Law mandates that I will out of town tomorrow through sunday, but I will probably be able to check in periodically. And I'm here all today.

Please check in!
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