Bored Already with 2006..................

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:47 pm


That's exactly my point. You are so dominating 2001, getting free credit one after the other, that you will simply be dominating newer players at this 2001 season.

(heck, you even boot my a$$ up until I fired all my relief staff and created what I believe was the first one-reliever team, at a time where it was possible to go 380 innings out of Rivera and have good stats out of him, remember?)

Hence, my suggestion: keep it honest, just like this cannibal sickman. Simply ask for beautiful losers looking for a wonderful and exciting 100-loss season. :wink:
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I suppose anyone has the right...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:05 pm

to do whatever they want with their credits or 25 bucks...BUT, is it really that satisfying to beat newbies at a game(That is outdated, but you have perfected) to get credits and be a whale in a tiny pond?

Doe the Springsteen song "Glory days" come to mind?

I really loved the 01' set as well - making the post 11 out of 13 times and 10 in a row at one point(Only 1 ring tho - I felt like th Atlanta Braves of that year) - But it was only satisfying back then.

Everyone else have moved on, JK...Why not come play with some of the newbies from the past 2 years who are really good at the new game?

Its only my opinion, but it is the challenge of playing the very best players that really push me to be better that floats my boat.

You playing newbies at 2001 - where you probably had 100 teams in that 1st year is kinda like a 25 year old playing 1 on 1 basketball with 12 year olds - for money...Without any odds or handicap.

Hope you can break out and rejoin the fold, my friend. I'll be rooting for ya'...

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Postby ArrylT » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:29 pm

Ah before anyone else jumps on the "Shame on JKolak for playing 2001 vs. newbies" bandwagon ... maybe someone should look at his managerial record, and note that he said

[quote:a234295b14]LMBombers: I'm not doing bad with 2006. I have a winning record with 9 active teams. My first team will finish the regular season this week. Looks like I'll just miss the playoffs though. [/quote:a234295b14]

102 ATG II leagues
42 Som 2005 leagues
11 Som 2006 leagues

He's rated Top 50 in every SOM game he's played in, save 2006 (too early) and BTT80s, and thats probably only due to the limited # of teams he has there. So he is definitely not a 1 trick pony, nor is he focusing solely on SOM 2O01.

So what if he is playing 2001? Different tastes for different people. Personally I think it is a shrewd move, especially if TSN is giving 2006 credits if you're winning at another SOM 200X game. 2001 has its own style with all the different bargains. Besides I've seen several threads with owners complaining about 2006 - like this thread below - so give JKolak a break - don't see him criticizing other owners on how they play SOM.

[url=]Skill or Chance[/url]

In any case not like he is being a wolf in sheeps clothing - his post specifically warns owners how good he is in 2001 and challenges them to do their best.

The one thing TSN could do - if they ever have the time, is add the manager names & rankings to the older games, so that "newbies" who don't follow the forums would know exactly who they are up against.
Last edited by ArrylT on Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:30 pm

Not to take JK defense, but once in a while, you have a newbie who thinks he is the king of the world, so JK's offer might be a good challenge for them.

BTW, anyone heard of cristano1, lately? Haven't seen him around since his losing season in the Finale Tour.
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AT, I was certainly not attempting...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:47 pm

To shame JK(Who I have known and played against since the Spring/Summer of 02') into quitting what he was doing or coerce him into playing 2006...I was just offering my own personal opinion(which like A -holes, all stink) about my perspective on playing the old version of the game.

I am a bit of change resistant myself and usually balk at the new rules until I get used to them and then I'm ok.

I like the idea that it is a great challenge for new players to have to go against someone who knows everything about the game - and if you can beat JK at the 01' game then you may actually have some serious bragging rights, but don't you think the best way to play is in as level a playing field as possible?

I actually had initially wanted to invite JK to play in the LOTO TOUR this year, but when I read the post about being bored already with 06' (Which has just commenced) caused me to reconsider. (No offense intended here, JK.) But I want players who really WANT to play.

So, I do apologize at any offense taken, but i actually was just offering an opinion(Or my perspective). I certainly know JK is a great player as well as a big boy and East Coaster, who can take it as well as dish it out. :wink:

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Stand up for "J"

Postby ArtemusRex » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:38 pm

When I started playing strat back in January, it was almost exclusively in 2001. During those first couple weeks, JK was always there to answer my questions. Did he have to. No. But he did. Did he do it so he could have some compitition? Who cares.

What it comes down to is that I bought 2-2001 credits when they were half price and this league he is still advertising is still my first of those credits. We only need three people to play. Besides, me and JK havent played this game in a few weeks and we could have forgotten how to play. I know I can't remember who I drafted.

(There it is. Someone suggested the happy cannibal approach to advertising. I went with the one side of my brain tied behind my back method.) :) :P
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Postby JKolak » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:34 pm

[quote:6cb1f2c151] You playing newbies at 2001 - where you probably had 100 teams in that 1st year is kinda like a 25 year old playing 1 on 1 basketball with 12 year olds - for money...Without any odds or handicap.

ouuccchhhh!!!!! but justified....

I don't have the time that I used to Robert to play in any advanced leagues. In fact, it look like autodrafts for me the rest of the year. Last year (the 2005 game) I played in 10 advanced leagues starting out and won a pair of championships. I do miss playing against top talent like you and playing live drafts too. However, my commitments are too many. Very sad to say...

I love what Bernie and TSN have done to the game. Hell, we were only making these suggestions that have been incorporated into the game over the past 4 years. As Tony the Tiger and not Tony Clark would say...."Its great!!!!" Now it requires more skill, knowledge and ability along with a blessing from HAL to manage a team. I loved 2005 and I think that 2006 rocks!!!! The weighted waiver system was a suggestion that QkSilver (one of the top suggesters...does that word make sense??? :roll: ) made way back yonder in 2002....

I just wish I had more time...but don't we all?

2001 was/is/will be :shock: :shock: :shock: a nice low maintenance diversion for me. Draft once...set it up once...wait to make the playoffs :lol: :lol: 100 games and a championship with 2 2006 credits....yippeeee!!!! :P

By the way, Artemus Rex rocks!!! He has become a good player quickly in 2001. IMO most newbies who start in 2006 will need a lot of vet help/advice to succeed. By starting out in 2001, Artemus learned to read the cards well and draft a team that can play well in its home stadium. IMO that is over half the battle. Managing individual player controls comes a lot easier when you have mastered the fundamentals.

PS Robert...I was playing like a fanatic with 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, ATGII and 1969 all at the same time. I love Strat!!! Of course as you have figured it out, I love beating newbies even more!!! :D :D :D

No harm, no foul...its not personal, its just a game. I hope next year, like January 2007, will permit me, God and HAL willing, to take on bigger rivals and bigger challenges in SOM.
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Very Well Put, JK...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:24 pm

And thanks for not taking offense...I have an East Coast dark sense of humor and the type of friendship where you can only identify good friends and family members by how brutal their humor or sarcasm is towards each other...Living in the West has taught me that it is fundamentally a Regional thing...And I can definitely empathise wit you on the time dilemma.

I haven't played in a LIVE DRAFT since the 02' set and have absolutely no possibility of ever playing in one again.

And I absolutely agree on the simple diversion of 01'...

BTW, If you would be interested in joining the LOTO TOUR(3 Round Elimination = All AD), I get a feeling i am going to have 4-5 spaces available as I haven't heard back from several players for a couple of weeks...SO...

If you got the time - I got the TOUR... :lol: :wink: (Sounds like an old Miller Beer commercial - showing my age.)

Again, thanks for not taking offense. Robert
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:36 pm


2001 sounded so wonderful, i just had to throw a team in...

there are now 2 openings... there are also 2 guys lurking in TSN_9277 but who knows who they are or how to get ahold of em to change leagues and fill us....

i don't
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Postby ArrylT » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:55 pm

Ah what the heck - I'll toss in a team by tomorrow night. :)
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