Postby cirills » Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:36 pm

Rest assured Robert that Doc Tax is a good guy AND a good opponent. In fact ALL the people EK talked about are good guys. I especially admire LMBombers (Randy) whom he mentioned as well.

Meanwhile, I hate to do this to you, but I may have to pull out. I am stretched so thin right now with upcoming work and the two Keeper Leagues I am involved with (one I run and the other is Qk's) that I really don't think I have room left for anything esle on my SOM plate (esp. with money being really tight around our household right now).

I will NOT be the reason you don't make 48, but if it looks like you will without me then I think I might have to pass.

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Re: Not sure I understand exactly...

Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:51 pm

[quote:eb5be7c52f="robvoz"]What that metaphor means EK, but if it means he is a great player then its ok with me. Hope he isn't the other kind of beast that makes everyone else not want to play anymore. A lot of us had that experience before and it is the reason why LOTO is an Invitational as opposed to open to the public.

Better be on good behavior now, Doc. :wink:


[b:eb5be7c52f]Oops sorry. Didn't mean to scare anyone. I was just messing around. DocTax is truly a class act in every way.
It would be nice to get LMBombers in this league and Pelzer as well. Two more tremendous guys that would add some positive energy to the league.
By the way, whenever you hear Potato, Spud, or any other potato references, it is aimed at me and my move to Boise, Idaho. Guys can be surprisingly creative with the potato references. Keep your eyes peeled for any of these references. :wink:

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Sandy, If that is the case...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:25 pm

then for purely selfish and familiar reasons, I hope we cannot get to 48 without you...but I definitely understand the stresses that you as well as several other former players are going thru - myself included.

So you do whatever you must with my(Our) blessings...But it doesn't hurt to keep your name on the list until we are there. The added time just may smooth things out. So we'll play it by ear until the very last day, OK?

Kev, you are a bundle of monkeys...You are going to fit right in with much of this revamped group of whackos...I am glad you joined - takes some of the humor heat off of me and cummings - probably the 2 biggest freaks in the bunch...(Maybe he or Tyber can direct you to our Vets/Rooks thread from last year and you can have a good laugh.)

BTW... Feel free to contact the other 2 players to at least read over the format and rules and add their names to an alternate list below the 48, just in case others cancel.

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Postby JdEarly » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:08 pm

All right, guys, I'm in. Sorry it took me so long - pinching pennies and needed to qualify for a free credit before I could commit myself. Let's get this party started... or something like that, because I'm not that cool.

1. Riggodrill (5984)
2. B.O.B.B.Y (5206)
3. Jamie399 (3490)
4. Coffeeholic (3375)
5. Etdefender (2778)
6. Cristano1 (2666)
7. Pacoboy (2645)
8. J-Pav (2448)
9. durantjerry (2367)
10. Jeepdriver (2310)
11. Great Unwashed (2238)
12. ArrylT (2222)
13. Spicki17 (1819)
14. Kaviksdad (1674)
15. CATom (1649)
16. Sandlotshrink (1560)
17. Giddyup81(1557)
18. Alphonso (1448)
19. Ineluki (1423)
20. Stevep107 (1236)
21. jaydingess (1225)
22. Edgecitytx (1083)
23. Pinhead1987 (1005)
24. Ehlekev (914)
25. Cubit (817)
26. Doctor Tax1 (706)
27. Tyber (678)
28. Cummings2 (670)
29. Jerlins (650)
30. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (608)
31. Stoney (612)
32. JdEarly (599)
33. Freakfrosh (580)
34. Bobm1007 (540)
35. charliewb (398)
36. DrCPA (339)
37. Terpfan61764 (203)
38. gjtjeff (79)
39. maligned (67)

40. Dneedle1
41. Mav1
42. Tycobb
43. Glennglenn
44. TRichardson
45. Cubs48
46. GThomas
47. JaserD
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Happy to have you join, JD...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:14 pm

You were one of the very successful 05' Newbies and will get a chance to showcase your talents with this bunch. GL, Robert
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

I am going to add a name to the list...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:17 pm

I just couldn't find Mr Leo's new handle which was given to me today.

Posted: 08 Jun 2006 16:08 Post subject:


All right, guys, I'm in. Sorry it took me so long - pinching pennies and needed to qualify for a free credit before I could commit myself. Let's get this party started... or something like that, because I'm not that cool.

1. Riggodrill (5984)
2. B.O.B.B.Y (5206)
3. Jamie399 (3490)
4. Coffeeholic (3375)
5. Etdefender (2778)
6. Cristano1 (2666)
7. Pacoboy (2645)
8. J-Pav (2448)
9. durantjerry (2367)
10. Jeepdriver (2310)
11. Great Unwashed (2238)
12. ArrylT (2222)
13. Spicki17 (1819)
14. Kaviksdad (1674)
15. CATom (1649)
16. Sandlotshrink (1560)
17. Giddyup81(1557)
18. Alphonso (1448)
19. Ineluki (1423)
20. Stevep107 (1236)
21. jaydingess (1225)
22. Edgecitytx (1083)
23. Pinhead1987 (1005)
24. Ehlekev (914)
25. Cubit (817)
26. Doctor Tax1 (706)
27. Tyber (678)
28. Cummings2 (670)
29. Jerlins (650)
30. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (608)
31. Stoney (612)
32. JdEarly (599)
33. Freakfrosh (580)
34. Bobm1007 (540)
35. charliewb (398)
36. DrCPA (339)
37. Terpfan61764 (203)
38. gjtjeff (79)
39. maligned (67)

40. Dneedle1
41. Mav1
42. Tycobb
43. Glennglenn
44. TRichardson
45. Cubs48
46. GThomas
47. JaserD
48. Leo/Loob
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:36 pm

Doc Tax is a very class act. If you don't believe it, just ask me.:shock: 8)

Kev and I been in many leagues together and it is just the banter we share, or it may be that I have a 65% winning % against him.

Either way, I am tons of fun and like to play.... win or lose.

Looking forward to this.


P.S. Randy is awesome also. Get him in here.
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As soon as I hear back from ...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:06 pm

Daniel, Ty, TRich, Scott(Cubs48) and JaserD(All former LOTO players, who I would be more willing to wait on a bit longer) I will open up spots they decline. I am totally open to all the players mentioned as replacements and look forward to playing against players who I have never gone up against. I think maybe next year we will do 60 Teams or 72...

As previously stated, I just don't want to eliminate longtime friends without response just because they were away for whatever reason.

But if anyone here is in leagues with any of the above, if you can just get them to come to this thread, look at the format and simple rules and respond - Y or N. That would speed this up immensely. I have used all my lines of communication available.

There will be a deadline tho...Either Fri or next Monday the absolute latest. Thanks.

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Postby CATom » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:35 pm

Glad to get some new people in here :) (VERY tired of beating up on all the "old people") :lol:

hehehehehe - just kidding, don't know if i have ever made it past the FIRST round with these guys!

BTW - Kev is a newly wed! Did my best to talk him outta it :D We now have a Mrs. Spud and awaiting info on any possible NEW spuds :idea:

should be a great season (even if only one) - hope the "other" two decide to jump on board!

Oh, the tax man is a great guy - offered everyone in our league "FREE" tax advice (BEGINNING ON APRIL 18th) :P
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Ok, here is just one little tidbit...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:40 pm

If either DR Tax or Chuck(Dr CPA) can answer it for me - It would be hugely appreciated. My wife and I filed an extension, which we do every year cuz tax time is so busy for us every year, we wait until the summer when everything dies down to do them.

We have a tax credit from 2004 that we have not yet received. It has been about 1 year now since we filed. I read somewhere that GW has put some kind of freeze on Tax credits for working stiffs like us, while the rich are enjoying their benefits and credits.

1. Whether this is true or not, how do I get my 04' money back? And since it has been awhile, do I get interest on it, just as they would charge me if it were the other way around? 2. Since I have not yet received that credit, can I include that as an addition on my 05' Return, which we have noit yet filed?

I am definitely a bottomline kind of guy. All I am interested in is getting my refund. Any suggestions or assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated...I don't want to call and complain because altho I believe we have absolutely nothing to hide. I would prefer not to have the time inconvenience of an audit.

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