by visick » Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:11 am
Sorry about the grinding halt.
I was out shopping for some different types of cheese like brie, gouda, camembert etc. to go with ALL the FREAKIN' whines that we have going on.
Guys...I asked for comments/suggestions before we started this bad boy.
My suggestion box remained empty.
I'm sure, the bottom managers from 7 or 8 on would have preferred a higher draft choice, but we didn't complain about.
There are choices you know. At this juncture (definition: time , for Frank) we are keeping it as is.
Don't like it?
1. Trade me or someone else for our higher stadium picks
2. How about a nice hot cup of "Shut the Piss up?"
I will need an East team manager to build the league after they pick.
Please give it a password of "nocap".
Love you all...Gotta go...THE COMMISH HAS SPOKEN.