Postby frannyzoo » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:33 pm

Adrian: Why anyone in "our" circle isn't playing Netplay, and Netplay only, at this point somewhat mystifies me.

Maybe it's like some folks want to pay $25 for a Sadistic Therapist to remind us that life is inherently unfair. That's okay, I can understand that. But probably only if there is also some sex involved or at least the possibility, ala Dr. Melfi on the Sopranos.

When does the new Sopranos season start? I'm okay paying for that. I'm sorry, what were you saying about Quisenberry?

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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:23 pm

I've kind of missed the boat on the Netplay thing. I guess I'm just a "path of least resistance" kind of guy. At least that's what my wife says.

Since closer rating isn't used, then it would be nice to see what these guys closer ratings actually are...that aren't used ;)

I'm just venting a bit, but y'all know that. I picked the wrong week to quit shooting heroin. :mrgreen:

Is tequila "zone" friendly :?
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Postby Simon31 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:21 am

I don't know about closer ratings but the thing that really cheeses me off is when HAL blows through all my ace relievers, in spite of "slow hook" settings, to get to guys like Harper, Medich, Caldwell and Nipper. How many times have you seen 3 of your potential 4 relievers pitch 1/3 of an inning and then get pulled regardless of how "rested" they are. I usually do not set anybody to close or setup. For the most part, HAL has done a pretty good job. I always seem to have 1 team though, where my worst reliever will have double the innings pitched that all my good relievers do. In that event I will usually play with the settings but it doesn't always seem to work. What the HAL? :?
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Postby msheaf1 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:15 am

All reasons why I am playing much less here. Let alone Hal bring in my mop up reliver to pitcher the ninth with a one run lead in the FIRST game of the season. It's just not worth it to me to try to fight him anymore. Therefore I only have a very few teams here now.

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Postby Sheikyerboudi » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:53 am

I've been down the closer road before - yes, SOM came along with the closer rules around '92. ANY sets, historical or otherwise, put out prior to that do not include closer ratings. Does Hal favor relievers with closer ratings? Yes, in my experience he prefers to go with ANY reliever with a closer rating over one who does not have one. Larry swears that the closer ratings are shut off, but for some reason Hal is still using it as one of his "check-offs" before cloosing a pitcher. All this could be avoided if TSN would enable the Super Hal pitching function. A little more work in setting up your reliever preference lists, but much more satisfying results - (Hal actually using the relievers you specify!!! Imagine that.)
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Postby Sheikyerboudi » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:56 am

P.S. - Why do you think Garber is a much sought after closer when Tincup actually has a more balanced card for the same price? Hint - Garber has one and Tincup doesnt.
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Postby harry lime » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:38 am


When did LArry swear that the closer rating is off? I remember him listing the settings a while back (actually, I think it was Bernie)whe the normalization issue was fixed, but I don't recall them addressing the issue since.
harry lime
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:56 am

OK. I take it that on the relievers card. e0 #1WR pitcher-2 relief(3)/5@, the 5@ means a guy can close ( or any number @) and if there is a N@ it means he has no closer rating.
Now if in the manager strategy you check regular close instead of Maximize close, I think HAL won't pay as much attention to the closer rating when picking a pitcher. Just a guess.
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Postby Sheikyerboudi » Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:47 pm

Harry, here's the original question I posted on Larry's Corner, and Larry's reply.

Frank Zappa Lives!!!
Posted May 05, 2005 02:28 PM
Hey Larry - are closer ratings used in ATG II? I was under the impression that they weren't due to the fact that a lot of the teams we use were prior to SOM introducing closer ratings. Example: Milwaukee '80 - Fingers has no closer rating, San Diego '84 - Gossage has no closer rating. Could you clarify please?

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Posted May 05, 2005 04:17 PM
There are no closer ratings being used. Any reliever can be used as a closer
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Postby harry lime » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:17 pm

Thanks FZL-

I do remember seeing that. I do think they believe it is turned on. But, I think they are wrong. I wish they would double check it with SOM.
harry lime
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