by NFLed1 » Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:08 pm
I disagree. When in Coors a > result for ballpark single results in a single a whopping 95% of the time but Frank Thomas is one of the few players who does not have any of that on his card on either side and so is a bad fit for Coors. Yes he has maximum # ballpark homer but there are others you can get with maximum # but without the disadvantage of not having any > (not to mention Thomas' injury chance although that's fine since his cost is lowered due to that).
Wright is a 3e25 at 3B which can be quite a liability. I would have no problem playing him at 3B in Coors despite that liability and while at DH he's not quite worth his full cost he'd be fine there depending upon what else you could get. By contrast I would never want a very good defender to play at DH because that's wasting the extra money he costs for being a good defender. For Wright the exception is if your division has very few lefty pitchers as Wright is not optimal in Coors against righties, if you won't be facing many lefties then I'd try to find a different option from Wright.
If we were in US Cellular then I'd be singing a different tune. US Cell has only a 30% chance of single on a > and has a significantly higher HR chance on # (US Cell is 1-18, Coors is 1-15) so Frank Thomas is perfect for US Cell. He's not appropriate for Coors, though, in my view.