by Sknsfan » Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:32 pm
I do agree with cummings that it's a little early to start panicking and going drop/add crazy, but in the future these are some things to take into consideration when drafting and then finessing your team before the season starts.
The maximum number of chances of a roll coming up as a Ball Park Home Run.
If you look at a card, and break it down so that each number has a corresponding value of 1-6:
One side of a card carries a total value of 108 points. The number of BPHR a batter has can range from 0-8. No one has more than 8 BPHRs per side.
Vs. both Righties and Lefties Sexson has BPHR symbols (#) in the second column at the numbers 6 and 10.
Players with High BPHR numbers (5-8) perform much better in home stadiums with a higher Home Run number. (You may already know all this, but just in case someone else reading doesn't...)
Kaufman has a home run number of 2 for both lefties and righties. That means that whenver one of those numbers hits for Sexson (Second Column number 6 for example) a second roll is generated from 1-20. The number has to be equal to or less than the Ball Park Home Run number to become a home run, otherwise it is an out.
In pitchers parks like Kaufman, you want to load up with better On base guys and guys who hit lots of doubles and natural homeruns.
Also - Your outfield defense is not helping you right now.
Dunn in LF isn't the end of the world, however since his bat probably won't help you as much as if your home park was Coors or Ameriquest or another hitters park, I wouldn't have put him on the team.
Winn is a suspect CF at best. I could live with the 3 range in CF if he was hitting well but the +2 throwing will hurt you. It's always good to try to get guys with good arms (negative numbers) at CF and RF. They will be the ones who are trying to throw out guys at home. When I see a team with an obvious starting CF and or RF with a bad arm, I'll up my running agressiveness for the series. It doesn't always work, but a decent runner (1-13 or better) can probably make it home from first on a single to CF if the CF can't throw. Winn fits much better at LF where he makes more plays with the better range, but doesn't have ot worry about making big throws.
Michaels is OK defensively even as a RF, but in a pitchers park, I always try to set myself up with an OF with no more than one 3 in range and no positive numbers for throwing. Your games will be closer and you want to make sure your not giving up an easy run because you outfielder had to take a short fly on a hop because he didn't have the range.
Hope some of this helps.