best value/worst value

best value/worst value

Postby rgimbel » Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:32 am

who do you think is the best/worst value in the set this year

Best Value-Tony Clark gives you the same pop as the big guys Ortiz Hafner Giambi Delgado but with a useable glove and cheaper than the studs Sexson Lee Pujols and Tiexera

Worst Value-Jason Bay great bat decent glove and low inj but is he really worth 2.5 m more than say Vlad
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Postby visick » Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:53 am

Pitching wise:

Best value-Closers: Lidge
Worst value-Closers: C. Cordero (How he saved that many games with such an ugly card vs. righties is beyond me)
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Postby ed1447 » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:53 am

Hitting - Clark without a doubt. He's close to winning triple crown for my club.

Pitching - Byrd's been good for me. Weaver's about to win 20 on another team in the league for under 3 mil
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:50 pm

Brian Roberts - Although he puts up nice numbers I don't think he is worth 11M

Teixeira - Has not performed up to his salary in most leagues I have seen.

CZam and Big Unit give up HRs in droves.

Marcus Thames - In one of my leagues he was used full time at Wrigley and had 48 HRs and 110 RBIs. Not bad for 58¢. OK he did only hit .189 but what production!
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:28 pm

I was recently putting a cheap power team together and looked through my six completed teams for the leaders in the big offensive categories. I believe Clark was amongst the top ten in HR every time he was used, as well as appearing on the other lists. Duffy also was pretty consistent in BA and OBP. The drawback for both seems to be the injury factor. When they manage to get 600 AB's and make it through the playoffs, they are great bargains based on their production. Griffey also bears mentioning in this group, as he was pretty consistently in the HR rankings at a position lacking in HR power. Glaus was as consistent as Griffey in making the power rankings(both rising as high as 4th in HR), but without the injury factor and with a sub-$5.00 pricetag. Only drawback is the e28, but he does play third and should be used in the big offensive parks, lessening the importance of his subpar "D". I used Radke twice, once in Minute Maid and once in Petco. He almost won 20 both times, making the allstar rankings in both leagues. In Petco he went 12-5/2.57/1.01 at home. With that kind of Petco production, it doesn't even matter what he does on the road, as he is usually a fourth starter.
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:37 pm

I have the Big Unit neck and neck with Carpenter and Santana with 1.00 WHIPS abd sub-3.00 ERA's(15 wins each) in Petco. He's given up about 20% more HR the other two but his card is dominant in Petco or a tough LH park.
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Postby kaina7 » Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:45 pm

I agree with Tony Clark in a power park. I had him in Safeco and he put up monster numbers (54 137).

The other bargain closer in Petco or other pticher's parks is Frankie Rodriguez. KRod was dominant for my latest 90-win Petco team earning 50 saves and pitching 101 innings.

I also really like Vizquel at short. Great d, okay numbers and if you "bunt more" he will lead the league in sac hits.

I also like Fasano, Shelton and Gomes in Minute Maid or other power parks.

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Postby markp65 » Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:46 pm

2006 Brian Roberts has to be the worst value in the short history of the online game. It's likewise hard to reconcile the value ascribed to the other top-shelf 2Bmen, Ellis, Castillo and Giles. I wonder if the pricing formula was changed this year to put a substantially higher value on the defensive ability of the 2Bmen?

I agree about Tony Clark as the best value in the deck. He will rip it up anywhere. He led my first 2006 league in HRs... from PETCO.
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:19 pm

Disagree on Clark. He missed 40+ games due to injury including the entire playoffs for one of my teams. When he was healthy he was OK, but not great, and that was in a hitter's park.
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Postby durantjerry » Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:10 pm

I was going to argue against Clark based on the injury and othe factors. To me, if a guy can potentially miss the whole playoffs due to injury and he costs just about 10% of your total budget, he can't be the "the best value" in the set. I agree that he is probably "the best value when healthy", but if you need to add an adendum on the "best value" statement, I think that the player is no longer the "Best Value" Period. I know he's had some monster seasons and is consistently among the league leaders, but the fact remains he has the potential to the whole postseason if you get unlucky.
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