by MARCPELLETIER » Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:57 pm
sorry, I didn't catch in your first post that you were ironic. I thought you were complaining despite his success. So then we are on the same page.
Given the success you had with Roberts, I am not surprise to observe a 100-win performance.
That being said, on all respect, I did observe a few seasons where Roberts barely had over .360 on-base. Hard to get success when your main player struggles.
Also, you should add that Boone never was close of being 11M (9.07 was the peak, if I recall). 11M is a lot of money for a player that will finish with around 12 homeruns, but I do agree that, in his ideal park---Kauffman, I suppose---he is one good candidate to lay your money on.