Round 3 - Let's go for a dozen leagues!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:40 pm

Draft site link:

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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:47 pm

Re-posting to put this at the top of the page for whoever sets up the draft:

Here's the revised draft order, reflecting our new member mcsoupy replacing filler Cummings as agreed, also reflecting the trade between wbonn63 and mesquiton).

1. mcsoupy (replaces Cummings in East)
2. kcm0711 (Filler)
3. savguy73
4. Cubit
5. bleacher creature
6. gstanis (Filler)
7. mesquiton (traded #11 spot with wbonn63)
8. casmith528
10. dneedle1
11. wbonn63 (traded #7 spot with mesquiton)
12. jjbird8

Hope this helps somebody do something!
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Log In

Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:15 pm

I hate to be such a whiney baby, but I still don't have a log in. I will need time to set up some proxies too, since I am busy all night.

If this draft is starting or has begun, I'm screwed.

edit: I emailed <>
and also teepack.
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Log in

Postby savguy73 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:25 pm

I need a login as well. I read from other message boards that I am not supposed to bother support for a login but that the person who set up our draft will create accounts for those who need them.

My email is

I'd prefer savguy73 as my username and will take whatever password is assigned to me. Please email me when my account gets set up.

My friend just finished a live draft for round 3 and it took his group 2 weeks to do, much of it on setting up. So please be patient.
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Postby jjbird8 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:30 pm

I need a login also, use jjbird8

email me if I need to do anything else

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Postby mesquiton » Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:09 pm

Guys, just had a minute to check in, hope this answers some questions:

If you don't already have a login on the draft site, whoever sets up the draft will create your login (normally your board name, but I assume any special requests posted here will be honored if possible). No need to email anybody about your login, just post here if you need one, or whoever sets up the draft will see you're missing and assign one and post it here. Your initial password will be "test", which you can change after your first login.

I just checked, it appears no draft is set up yet. I hope Cubit or Teepack or wbonn63 (or whoever) gets the draft up before I get home from work around 6pm PDT, but if not I'll try to set it up then. Please check back here for more info later tonight or in the morning.

Savguy73 is all too correct, patience is required for live drafts...but if everybody checks in frequently and/or uses proxies, we should be able to get this draft done in just a few days and have some fun along the way. The WORST thing you can do is not check in frequently and not leave proxies once the draft is underway. Repeating for emphasis: [b:ca031cd05f]please check in frequently and learn to use proxies![/b:ca031cd05f] Please don't be the guy who pisses everybody off by holding up the draft for everybody else! Otherwise, no worries, you'll all be fine! :D
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Postby teepack » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:14 pm

setting up the draft now.
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Postby teepack » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:21 pm

Draft should be set up. It is EVT3LG12. Go to the draft site and log-in. If you have never used the site before, your initial password will be test. Once you log in for the first time, you can change your password. I gave admin rights to Cubit and dneedle. Bleachercreature your name does not have any spaces when it logs in. It is a four-hour window to begin with. But remember, nobody should be skipped in the first round. Dneedle and Cubit might want to check in and see if they can change the clock to 24 hours.
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Postby BILLBONNIE » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:48 pm

AMEN!! Thank you teepack, if something didn't happen soon, I was going to take matters into my own hands and set up the darn thing, but I didn't want to step on any toes...soo.... away we go alice... see ya in the funny papers!
Good luck to all...

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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:39 pm

Glad everybody's in and happy. I do kind of wish teepack had clued me in on what was happening on this thread, though, as I was monitoring the other one! :oops:

OK, I logged in as Admin and set the clock for the first round to 24 hours as per instructions.

For anyone's information, the draft order, randomly set by Mr. teepack's software is:

2 KCM0711
11 WBONN63

This is FYI only. All picks will be on the Draft Site. I will convert our sign-up thread to discussion now.
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